Copyright: tokyo afterschool summoners
Tokyo Afterschool Summoners is a Japanese freemium "card-based battle" RPG that released in 2016 for Android and iOS.
The game involves the protagonist awakening in a version of Tokyo where humans live among mythological and fantastical creatures, and has the player fighting duels, gathering companions and uncovering how the protagonist arrived in this world.
The game is targeted towards the LGBT community. Several gay manga artists were involved in production of the game, and most of the game's characters are known to be homosexual (or at least heavily implied to be leaning towards it).
As of 2018, a portion of the game has been translated to English from Japanese, but developers are working on a full translation.
Anthros (List 1)
- Agyo
- Ahab
- Alp
- Amduscias
- Arsalan
- Ashigara
- Asterius
- Azazel
- Bael
- Babe Bunyan
- Barguest
- Barong
- Bathym
- Behemoth
- Bigfoot
- Black Storm
- Breke
- Cait Sith
- Catoblepas
- Chernobog
- Cipactli
- Cthugha
- Cu Sith
- Durga
- Enigma
- Fenrir
- Fuxi
- Gandharva
- Ganglie
- Garmr
- Girimehkala
- Goemon
- Gurangatch
- Gyobu
- Gyumao
- Hakumen
- Hastur
- Hati
- Hekate
- Hombre Tigre
- Horkeu Kamui
- Horus
- Inaba
- Itzamna
- Jambavan
- Kimun Kamui
- Krampus
- Leib
- Licho
- Macan
- Makara
- Marduk
- Marchosias
- Masanori
- Masashi
- Mephistopheles
- Moritaka
- Nobumichi
- Nomad
- Nyarlathotep
- Oguchi Magami
- Ophion
- Ose
- Otter
- Oz
- Parvati
- Pazuzu
- Q'ursha
- Qinglong
- Quantum
- Salomonkun
- Seth
- Shennong
- Shino
- Simurgh
- Sitri
- Snow
- Sphinx
- Tadatomo
- Tanngrisnir
- Temujin
- Tezcatlipoca
- Thunderbird
- Tindalos
- Tsathoggua
- Typhon
- Vapula
- Volkh Vseslav
- Volos
- Wen Kamui
- Xbalanque
- Xolotl
- Yasuyori
- Yoshito
- Yule
- Zhurong
Anthros (List 2)
- Azuma
- Hot Springs Slime
- Ice Slime
- Aegir
- Ahura Mazda
- Aizen
- Alberich
- Algernon
- Alice
- Amanojaku
- Amaterasu
- Amatsumara
- Andvari
- Arachne
- Arc
- Astaroth
- Astarte
- Avarga
- Azathoth
- Babalon
- Balor
- Benten
- Beowulf
- Boogeyman
- Choji
- Christine
- Claude
- Curren
- Dagon
- Daikoku
- Ded
- Duo
- Ebisu
- Echo
- Einherjar
- Eita
- Ellie
- Fisher King
- Furufumi
- Gabriel
- Gorozaemon
- Gullinbursti
- Gunzo
- Hanuman
- Hephaestus
- Hermes
- Hogen
- Hotei
- Ibaraki
- Ifrit
- Ikutoshi
- Isaac
- Israfil
- Jacob
- Jinn
- Jiraiya
- Jormungandr
- Jugo
- Kagutsuchi
- Kalki
- Kengo
- Kenta
- Kijimuna
- Kirito
- Korpokkur
- Kotaro
- Kresnik
- Kuniyoshi
- Kurogane
- Kyuma
- Leannan Sidhe
- Licht
- Loki
- Lucifuge
- MacRoich
- Mahakala
- Maria
- Melusine
- Michael
- Mineaki
- Mononobe
- Motosumi
- Musashi
- Nezha
- Nobuharu
- Oniwaka
- Oscar
- Otohime
- Perun
- Pollux
- Protagonist
- R-19
- Robinson
- Ryouta Yakushimaru
- Sanat Kumara
- Sandayu
- Sarutahiko
- Shamash
- Shinya
- Shirou Motoori
- Shiva
- Shuichi
- Shuten
- Smoky God
- Surtr
- Suzuka
- Taishakuten
- Tajikarao
- Takemaru
- Takeminakata
- Tangaroa
- Tangaroa Infinity
- Taromaiti
- Taurus Mask
- Teda
- Tetsuox
- Tetsuya
- Thor
- Tianzun
- Toji
- Triton
- Tsukuyomi
- Turing
- Tvastar
- Ulaanbaatar
- Wakan Tanka
- Wakan Tanka Infinity
- Witch of Orleans
- Yamasachihiko
- Yog-Sothoth
- Yoritomo
- Yukimura
- Zabaniyya
- Zao
- Ziz
- Agent
- Alchemist
- Aether Alchemist
- Fire Alchemist
- Infernal Alchemist
- Nether Alchemist
- Valiant Alchemist
- Water Alchemist
- Wood Alchemist
- World Alchemist
- Angel
- Aether Angel
- Fire Angel
- Infernal Angel
- Nether Angel
- Valiant Angel
- Water Angel
- Wood Angel
- World Angel
- Baron
- Aether Baron
- Fire Baron
- Nether Baron
- Water Baron
- Wood Baron
- Camouflager
- Aether Camouflager
- Fire Camouflager
- Infernal Camouflager
- Nether Camouflager
- Valiant Camouflager
- Water Camouflager
- Wood Camouflager
- World Camouflager
- Ciramantep
- Aether Ciramantep
- Fire Ciramantep
- Infernal Ciramantep
- Nether Ciramantep
- Valiant Ciramantep
- Water Ciramantep
- Wood Ciramantep
- World Ciramantep
- Deity
- Aether Deity
- Fire Deity
- Infernal Deity
- Nether Deity
- Water Deity
- Wood Deity
- World Deity
- Devil
- Dragon
- Fencer
- Ghost
- Giant
- Aether Giant
- Fire Giant
- Infernal Giant
- Nether Giant
- Valiant Giant
- Water Giant
- Wood Giant
- World Giant
- Jiangshi
- Aether Jiangshi
- Fire Jiangshi
- Infernal Jiangshi
- Nether Jiangshi
- Valiant Jiangshi
- Water Jiangshi
- Wood Jiangshi
- World Jiangshi
- Lantern
- Livestreamer
- Dark Livestreamer
- Earth Livestreamer
- Evil Livestreamer
- Fire Livestreamer
- Hero Livestreamer
- Light Livestreamer
- Water Livestreamer
- World Livestreamer
- Lucky Cat
- Mage
- Dark Mage
- Earth Mage
- Fire Mage
- Ice Mage
- Light Mage
- Maid
- Aether Maid
- Fire Maid
- Nether Maid
- Water Maid
- Wood Maid
- Mermaid
- Aether Mermaid
- Fire Mermaid
- Infernal Mermaid
- Nether Mermaid
- Valiant Mermaid
- Water Mermaid
- Wood Mermaid
- Merman
- Aether Merman
- Fire Merman
- Infernal Merman
- Nether Merman
- Water Merman
- Wood Merman
- Missing
- All Missing
- Infinity Missing
- Null Missing
- Mobster
- Aether Mobster
- Fire Mobster
- Nether Mobster
- Water Mobster
- Wood Mobster
- Nightgaunt
- Ninja
- Oni
- Dark Oni
- Fire Oni
- Infernal Oni
- Light Oni
- Water Oni
- Wood Oni
- Pirate
- Ranger
- Sand Dragon
- Senri
- Slime
- Tribe Member
- Trickster
- Aether Trickster
- Fire Trickster
- Infernal Trickster
- Nether Trickster
- Valiant Trickster
- Water Trickster
- Wood Trickster
- World Trickster
- Trooper
- Valkyrie
- Aether Valkyrie
- Fire Valkyrie
- Nether Valkyrie
- Water Valkyrie
- Wood Valkyrie
- Wolf
- Wraith
- Dark Wraith
- Earth Wraith
- Evil Wraith
- Fire Wraith
- Hero Wraith
- Light Wraith
- Water Wraith
- World Wraith
- Wrestler
- Aether Wrestler
- Fire Wrestler
- Infernal Wrestler
- Nether Wrestler
- Valiant Wrestler
- Water Wrestler
- Wood Wrestler
- World Wrestler
- Yaksha
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The following tags are aliased to this tag: housamo (learn more).
This tag implicates lifewonders (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: aegir_(tas), agyo_(tas), ahab_(tas), akiha_gongen_(tas), algernon_(tas), alice_(tas), alp_(tas), amanojaku_(tas), amatsumara_(tas), amduscias_(tas), andvari_(tas), arachne_(tas), arc_(tas), arsalan_(tas), ash_(tas), ashigara_(tas), asterius_(tas), azathoth_(tas), azazel_(tas), babalon_(tas), babe_bunyan_(tas), bael_(tas), barguest_(tas), barong_(tas), bathym_(tas), behemoth_(tas), belphegor_(tas), benten_(tas), bigfoot_(tas), boogeyman_(tas), breke_(tas), cait_sith_(tas), catoblepas_(tas), chernobog_(tas), choji_(tas), christine_(tas), cipactli_(tas), claude_(tas), cthugha_(tas), cu_sith_(tas), dagon_(tas), daikoku_(tas), ded_(tas), duo_(tas), durga_(tas), echo_(tas), eita_(tas), enigma_(tas), fenrir_(tas), furufumi_(tas), fuxi_(tas), gabriel_(tas), gandharva_(tas), ganglie_(tas), garmr_(tas), girimekra_(tas), goemon_(tas), gorozaemon_(tas), gullinbursti_(tas), gunzo_(tas), gurangatch_(tas), gyobu_(tas), gyumao_(tas), hakumen_(tas), hanuman_(tas), hastur_(tas), hati_(tas), hekate_(tas), heracles_(tas), hogen_(tas), hombre_tigre_(tas), horkeu_kamui_(tas), horus_(tas), ifrit_(tas), ikutoshi_(tas), inaba_(tas), itzamna_(tas), ixbalanque_(tas), jacob_(tas), jambavan_(tas), jinn_(tas), jiraiya_(tas), jugo_(tas), kalki_(tas), kengo_(tas), kenta_(tas), kijimuna_(tas), kimun_kamui_(tas), korpokkur_(tas), kotaro_(tas), krampus_(tas), kuniyoshi_(tas), kurogane_(tas), kyuma_(tas), leannan_sidhe_(tas), leib_(tas), licho_(tas), licht_(tas), lucifuge_(tas), macan_(tas), macroich_(tas), mahakala_(tas), makara_(tas), marchosias_(tas), marduk_(tas), maria_(tas), masanori_(tas), masashi_(tas), melusine_(tas), mephistopheles_(tas), mineaki_(tas), moritaka_(tas), motosumi_(tas), mushussu_(tas), nezha_(tas), nodens_(tas), nomad_(tas), nyarlathotep_(tas), oguchi_magami_(tas), oniwaka_(tas), ophion_(tas), ose_(tas), otter_(tas), oz_(tas), pazuzu_(tas), perun_(tas), pollux_(tas), prometheus_(tas), protagonist_(tas), q'ursha_(tas), qinglong_(tas), quantum_(tas), r-19_(tas), reprobus_(tas), robinson_(tas), ryota_(tas), sanat_kumara_(tas), seth_(tas), shennong_(tas), shino_(tas), shinya_(tas), shiro_(tas), shiva_(tas), shuten_(tas), simurgh_(tas), sitri_(tas), snow_(tas), sphinx_(tas), surtr_(tas), suzuka_(tas), tadatomo_(tas), tajikarao_(tas), takemaru_(tas), takeminakata_(tas), tanetomo_(tas), tangaroa_(tas), tangaroa_infinity_(tas), tanngrisnir_(tas), taromaiti_(tas), taurus_mask_(tas), temujin_(tas), tetsuox_(tas), tetsuya_(tas), tezcatlipoca_(tas), thunderbird_(tas), tindalos_(tas), toji_(tas), tomte_(tas), tsathoggua_(tas), tu'er_shen_(tas), turing_(tas), tvastar_(tas), typhon_(tas), vapula_(tas), volkh_vseslav_(tas), volos_(tas), wakan_tanka_(tas), wakan_tanka_infinity_(tas), wen_kamui_(tas), willie_wildcat_(tas), xolotl_(tas), yamasachihiko_(tas), yasuyori_(tas), yoritomo_(tas), yoshito_(tas), yule_(tas), yuma_(tas), zabaniyya_(tas), zao_(tas), zhurong_(tas), ziz_(tas), zo_(tas) (learn more).
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