
Images or animations depicting penetration, vore, etc which feature either translucent body parts, which allow the act to be viewed from inside the character, additional image/images to the primary image showing a cutaway image, or a full image depicting exactly what is going on inside the character's body.

This can range from vague images of a character's penis surrounded by pink, fleshy material, a close-up of an ovum inside a character's uterus being surrounded by sperm, for blatant visual confirmation in an impregnation image, and characters contained fully or partially within the body of another character.

Not to be confused with inside which say that the scene is not happening outside, or colored_insides which specify the color of the internal surfaces inside a character's body

Translucent body example:

post #561048

Cutaway example:

post #559964

Full internal example:

post #2515118

Ways of presenting

  • xray_view - showing inside the body as if nothing was in front
  • translucent_body - making part of the body transparent to see inside. We see a transparency effect.
  • cross_section - a cut across the complete body too see inside. We see all organs details.
  • cutaway - a small panel within a larger image that depicts something within the same scene
  • unseen_pred - we don't see the actor of which we are seeing the interior of the body

Internal locations

Internal colors

Other related tags

The following tags are aliased to this tag: inside_view, interal, internal_shot, internal_view (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: internal_anal, internal_arthropod_abdomen, internal_cloacal, internal_oral, internal_ovipositor, internal_sheath, internal_slit, internal_urethral, internal_vaginal (learn more).

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post #5416983
post #5416704
post #5416694
post #5416692