Character: angel (lilo and stitch)
Angel, also known as Experiment 624 ("six-two-four"), is one of Dr. Jumba Jookiba's genetic experiments in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. A pink furred koala-like alien creature, she is Stitch's love interest in the franchise, in which the two are deeply in love with each other. In the anime Stitch!, she is a highly successful pop singer.
She is designed to sing a siren song that converts reformed beings, mainly experiments made before her, back to evil. Singing the song backwards has the reverse effect, and the song works even through playing a recording of it. Experiments made after her, including Reuben and Stitch, are immune to the song. She also has other powers including martial arts abilities and super strength, but the true extent of her power is not exactly known.
She looks a lot like a feminine version of her "boojiboo" (loved one, mate, significant other), but there are some key differences between her and Stitch aside from her body shape and fur coloration. The most noticeable differences are that she famously has two long, apparently non-retractable antennae with purple stripes near their round tips that give the appearance of long hair, and the presence of a white chest marking that (fittingly) resembles an angel's wings (although this marking is asymmetrical, being slightly more jagged on her right-hand side). She has purple claws which are duller and shorter than Stitch's (although she can extend them a bit), a round purple nose that is smaller than his nose and has only one wrinkle above it (Stitch has two such wrinkles above his nose), dark purple eyes (which appear as black in animation) flanked by long eyelashes, and a bluish-purplish mouth and tongue. She lacks any tufts of fur on her person, and her big notchless ears are more rounded at the tips, which are colored a dull purple on the inside instead of the outside. She also has purple markings behind her, but they've varied in her official animated appearances.
She debuted in her eponymous season one episode of Lilo & Stitch: The Series with a marking on her back that resembles an upside down heart. In her second major appearance, the penultimate aired episode "Snafu", her back marking is more abstract like Stitch's and she also gains a marking on her occiput (the back of her head). In some scenes in "Snafu" and in Leroy & Stitch, she doesn't have any markings behind her. The Stitch! anime (which comprises the majority of her animated appearances) has used both the heart-shaped marking and the "Snafu" markings in various episodes. Official merchandise and promotional material have established the upside-down heart back marking as the true rear marking.
Not to be confused with another Disney-owned character named "Angel" from Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure.
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