Character: tempest shadow (mlp)

post #1406726 post #1163065

Tempest Shadow (VA: Emily Blunt) (birth name: Fizzlepop Berrytwist) is a major antagonist from the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic feature film My Little Pony: The Movie. A purple unicorn with a broken horn, she's the cold, bitter commander of the Storm King's army attempting to take over Equestria. Having lost her horn in a traumatic childhood accident that lead to her being disillusioned about Equestria's ideals, she joins the Storm King in hopes that he'll use his powers to restore her horn. After he betrays her and Twilight Sparkle saves her life, Tempest helps defeat the him, then leaves to travel Equestria to undo the damage the Storm King's army has done.

Tempest is a dark orchid female unicorn with rose-violet hair and opal eyes. Her mane is styled as a sharp mohawk, and she is taller and has more angular features than other ponies in the series. She has a broken unicorn horn and a scar over her right eye (viewer's left). She is usually depicted wearing her commander armor, which consists of a black jumpsuit covered in dark gray armor plates and matching horse shoes. In her appearance in season 9, she instead wears a long, black cloth that covers her body and a gray scarf around her neck. Tempest was never depicted unclothed, meaning her cutie mark was never officially revealed. Her broken horn renders her unable to perform basic spells; instead, she uses her unstable magic to shoot powerful, colorful explosions, but otherwise relies on physical combat.

The following tags are aliased to this tag: fizzlepop_berrytwist, fizzlepop_berrytwist_(mlp) (learn more).

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