
post #2671596 post #3735319 post #1588378 post #2544148

Images or animations which contain a tree.

A tree is a perennial woody plant. It is most often defined as a woody plant that has many secondary branches supported clear of the ground on a single main stem or trunk with clear apical dominance.

Please tag the tree species if it can be identified from the image. If there is a tree that isn't listed on this wiki, please include it.


Other types


  • branch - A narrow structure that extends from the body of a tree.
  • leaf - A thin stemmed structure that extends from the tips of a tree branch.
  • log - A thick section of wood that has been fully separated from the body of a tree.
  • roots - Long woody structures that extend into the ground to absorb water and / or nutrients.
  • tree_bark - The outer surface of many trees. Consider tagging only if it is detailed or textured in some way.
  • tree_stump - The base of a tree that makes contact with the ground.
  • tree_trunk - The main stem (body) of a tree.
  • wood - The material most trees are made of.


Related tags

See also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: trees (learn more).

This tag implicates plant (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: against_tree, aspen_tree, bamboo_tree, baobab_tree, behind_tree, birch_tree, christmas_tree, cum_on_tree, dead_tree, evergreen_tree, forest, fruit_tree, glowing_tree, in_tree, mangrove_tree, maple_tree, oak_tree, palm_tree, treant, tree_bondage, tree_trunk, willow_tree (learn more).

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