Character: cancer (zodiac)

post #1189386 post #1403402 post #1404200

Cancer, the Crab, is the fourth sign of the Western Zodiac. The sign represents Karkinos, a giant crab in the myth of Hercules, harassing him throughout his battle with the Hydra. However, Hercules kicked Karkinos so hard that the crab flew up and landed in the sky.

This tag should be used for things directly concerning the sign Cancer. Typically, this will be personifications: Crabs, perhaps lobsters, typically in, on or around water.

The symbol of Cancer is a horizontal curved line, ended with a circle, with a matching one below, set the opposite direction. ♋️ Images containing the astrological symbol of Cancer should be tagged Cancer_(symbol).

post #1405485

The dates when Cancer rules vary depending upon the system of calculation used. For more information, see western_zodiac.

Astrological SystemDate
TropicalJune 22 – July 22
SiderealJuly 17 – August 16
IAUJuly 20 – August 10

<-- Gemini | Cancer | Leo -->

See also:

This tag implicates western_zodiac (learn more).

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