Character: bergamo
Bergamo (ベルガモ, Berugamo), known as "Bergamo the Crusher" (潰しのベルガモ, Tsubushi no Berugamo) in the anime Dragon Ball Super, is the oldest brother and a member of the Trio of Danger, a team of sibling fighters from Universe 9. He is the eldest brother of the trio. Bergamo is a smooth talking, egotistical, and honorable fighter.
Bergamo is the oldest, tallest and most muscular member of the Trio of Danger.
He has steel-blue-colored fur and wears a red scarf, bandages on both forearms, armbands on both arms, brown pants with a belt, and light brown shoes.
Like his brothers, Bergamo's general appearance resembled that of a humanoid wolf.
His special ability is refered to as the Crusher ability. Using this ability, Bergamo can increase the strength of his attacks based on how much damage he has already sustained. This ability can be used in a variety of ways, such as powering up his counterattack, increasing his size, and increase his limb strength and speed.
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