Species: dragonkin (runescape)
The Dragonkin are a reptilian species in the game RuneScape. They are anthropomorphic winged creatures with varying scale colours. In-universe, they are the only surviving species from the previous revision of the universe and have been bound to serve the elder god Jas, which they often refer to as a curse. They are the creators of the various in-game dragons (including characters like the king black dragon and queen black dragon).
Kerapac is the most notable dragonkin, having a significant presence in the storyline, and is a fightable boss monster.
In Old_School_RuneScape, the dragonkin have a much lesser in-game presence than RuneScape 3, and are generally shown as frail, hump-backed wyvern-style (their hands are at the end of their wings) reptile mages. The OSRS versions much more closely resemble their inspiration, the skeksis, than RS3.
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