Character: reed (gvh)

post #3974574

Reed (VA: Mark Whitten) is a character featured in Goodbye Volcano High. A velociraptor in his senior year of high school, he's the drummer of Worm Drama, the DM for his friends' "Legends & Lore" tabletop role-playing sessions, and Fang and Trish's friend. He has a crush on Alvin and the two are implied to be in a relationship by the end of the game.

Reed is a pink velicoraptor with light pink stripes on his arms, neck, torso and back. He has short pink hair, violet eyes, and his head is pattered with light pink over most of his head and dark pink over his snout. He has a long pink tail with dark pink feathers over the base and tip. He has broad shoulders in contrast to his narrow torso and waist. He typically wears a red tank top, torn black leggings, a pair of white wireless headphones around his neck, and colorful gaudy shoes.

Reed is a secondary character in Snoot Game, which depicts him as a perpetually stoned drug dealer and Anon's first real friend at Volcano High. In contrast to his Goodbye Volcano High design, his colors are more washed out, his snout is flat instead of rounded, and he has smaller eyes and a more athletic build, rotoscoped from the body of the game's lead developer.

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