Species: weavile
Source: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Weavile_(Pok%C3%A9mon)
Weavile (マニューラ Manyula) is a Dark/Ice-type Pokémon.
It evolves from Sneasel when it levels up holding a Razor Claw during the night.
Weavile is a bipedal Pokémon with a pale, gray body that resembles both a cat and a weasel. It has a bright red crown and collar made of wide feathers and a single, thinner feather on each ear. The ear feathers are smaller on a female Weavile. Weavile has two tail feathers and three claws on each paw. There is a yellow, oval marking in the center of its forehead. Its eyes are red with three eyelashes, and four fangs protrude from its upper jaw.
For ease of tagging
It’s shiny variant has pink fur and yellow feathers.
Weavile lives in snow covered areas and are notorious predators. Weavile is famed for its speed and agility. Weavile is also known for its intelligence and cunning nature, thanks to its brain having developed as it evolves from Sneasel. A scratch from Weavile's sharp claws can leave behind traces of frostbite. Weavile often hunt in packs for prey such as Alolan Sandshrew, Alolan Vulpix, and even larger species like Mamoswine, then divide up the prey amongst themselves. Weavile can communicate by carving patterns into trees, ice, and boulders, with over 500 distinct signs recorded.
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