Species: servine
post #3243757 post #3243704 post #3875142
Source: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Servine_(Pokémon)
Servine (Japanese: ジャノビー Janovy) is a Grass-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V.
It evolves from Snivy starting at level 17 and evolves into Serperior starting at level 36.
Servine is a slim bipedal Pokémon that is primarily green with a cream underside, and narrow red eyes. It has a yellow V-shaped structure that starts at the chest and extends behind the shoulders.
Servine has short limbs and a small crest protruding from the back of its head. Three palmate leaves grow along its back and tail.
These leaves are capable of performing photosynthesis, but only while they are clean. This Pokémon will go to great lengths to stay dirt-free for this reason.
This swift Pokémon hides in thick foliage or shadows to avoid attacks before retaliating. Servine will mercilessly pummel its target by whipping them with its vines. It has an inflated sense of pride, which is one of its weaknesses. Due to this pride, Servine will be unable to cooperate with other Pokémon for a long while.
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