Species: chespin
post #283064 post #1471836 post #405878
Chespin (Japanese: ハリマロン Harimaron) is a Grass-type Pokémon from Generation VI. It is the first Pokémon in the Pokémon X and Y games.
Alongside Fennekin and Froakie, it is part of the Starter trio of the Kalos region.
Chespin evolves from level 16 into Quilladin, which evolves from level 36 into Chesnaught.
Chespin is a bipedal, mammal-like Pokémon. Its body is predominantly light brown, except for its arms and the triangular markings on its face, which are darker.
It has brown oval eyes, a orange triangular snout and rodent-like incisors. Its arms have three fingers, while its feet have two long claws.
A solid green carapace covers its back and extends around its head and down to its tail, its tail tip is also orange. There's a small hole in the carapace at the back of its head.
It has four leaf-like spines around its head, and a spine at the back of its head that splits into three parts.
Chespin is inspired by the hedgehog and the chestnut
Chespin protects itself from powerful attacks with its carapace. The leaves on its head are generally soft, but can harden to attack. Although its inquisitive nature often gets him into trouble, this Pokémon is very optimistic.
They are also classified as the Spiny Nut Pokémon.
See Also:
- pokémon
- chespin
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