Species: froakie
post #2594019 post #4340377 post #1472430
Froakie (Japanese: ケロマツ Keromatsu) is a Water-type Pokémon from Generation VI. It is the seventh Pokémon in the Pokémon X and Y games.
Alongside Chespin and Fennekin, it is part of the Starter trio of the Kalos region.
Froakie evolves from level 16 into Frogadier, which evolves from level 36 into Greninja.
Froakie is a quadruped Pokémon that looks like a frog. Its skin is mainly light blue, except for its hands, which are white, and a band in the middle of its eyes, which is a darker blue. Its eyes are black with a yellow sclera and are so large that they protrude vertically from its head.
It has a mane of bubbles on its chest and back and two small bubbles on its nose. This little frog has three fingers on each hand and two toes on each foot.
Froakie was inspired by an amphibian. The foam bubbles that this Pokémon wears around its neck resemble the foam nests that some frog species, such as Engystomops pustulosus or Chiromantis xerampelina , create to protect their eggs. This foam also resembles a backpack, and is used in the anime as a hood, which brings Froakie closer to the 泥棒 (どろぼう dorobō) [Literally: a thief in Japanese]
In Japanese culture, a 泥棒 is a person who uses cloth bags to both steal and mask its identity.
What's more, with its evolutions, these characteristics and its link with thievery, Froakie can be associated with ninjas.
The delicate yet flexible bubbles around Froakie's neck reduce the damage that hits this Pokémon. Despite its carefree attitude, it is constantly on the lookout for its surroundings.
It is both light and strong, enabling this amphibian to jump incredibly high.
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