stated virginity

New Tag - Some Ambiguity Applies

This is a new tag, and edge cases are still being worked out. See forum #435650 for a list of edge cases currently under debate.

post #2574837 post #5189179 post #5131779

When a character is specifically stated through dialogue, written on something within the scene (e.g. an identification card), or by other text in the post (commonly seen in model sheets) to be a virgin.

Note that the statement must unambiguously state that the character has no sexual experience. "It's my first time" without elaboration can be assumed to state virginity, but if the statement allows for the possibility of some prior sexual experience (such as saying "I've never done <specific sex act> before"), use inexperienced and/or a relevant "first time" tag instead.

"First Time" tags

Note that these do not count as virginity on their own.

See Also

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