multi leg

post #1169544 post #1010950
A biped character that has more than two legs or a quadruped character that has more legs than are normal (standards) for its natural species. Taurs are affected by the assigned species of their lower body.

Some common leg number standards:

species group leg number
human/humanoid/anthro 2
most non-primate mammals and amphibians 4
reptiles 2 or 4 depending on species
dragons 4
wyverns /drakes 2
insects 6
arachnids 8
birds 2
centaur 4
centipede/millipede 30+

Related tags

See also

General Multi
Explicit Multi
Other Multi related

The following tags are aliased to this tag: many_legs, multi-leg, multi-legs, multi_legs, multiple_leg, multiple_legs (learn more).

This tag implicates multi_limb (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: 10_legs, 5_legs, 7_legs, 9_legs (learn more).

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