post #1433249 post #4294437 post #1618826 post #4549576
When a character has their hair collected into a pair of "bunches" at the sides of their head that stick out or droop down from the head. Pigtails come in a variety of lengths, widths, and how high or low on the head they are worn, which dramatically affects their visual appearance. Above are examples of varying styles of pigtails.
Pigtails are typically seen as a cute, girly, playful, and/or a youthful hairstyle, and most often worn by girls and younger women. When worn by males, pigtails may be a part of an effeminate look, or for comedic purposes.
Types of Pigtails
See Also
- hair - for all tags related to hair
- Other hairstyles that feature dual hair bunches:
- afro puffs
- drill curls (may or may not feature twin drill curls at either side of the head)
- hair buns
The following tags are aliased to this tag: pig_tail, pig_tails, pigtail, twin_ponytails (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: twin_braids (learn more).
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