In response to blip #126601

Critical_Stiban said:
Nevermind it’s just comments being weird in one place.

It's because any formatting like ` and [​code] has higher priority compared to [/quote], so if the two don't have their other pair before [/quote], it gets treated as plain text (and so doesn't end the quote)

Oh you're talking about this
That's how e6 handles using the reply function on a comment with nested quotes, it does so very poorly (i suspect to discourage quote chains/rp)


In response to blip #126604

It's the first time in 21 years that I play using a video game controller. And it turns out I suck at using the analog stick.

SNPtheCat said:
That's how e6 handles using the reply function on a comment with nested quotes, it does so very poorly (i suspect to discourage quote chains/rp)

Oh yeah, had it happen on one of my posts too.

I suspect when it finds a [quote] it just looks for the next [/quote] and removes everything in between. Ignoring other instances of [/quote]. But I'm not sure why the other quote I made in the same comment after that also broke.

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