I've got a long rant incoming so expect an essay or wall of text amount of words. Yesterday I was looking through YouTube to put some more music on my playlist from when I was younger, when I noticed that almost all the comment sections I was looking through had at least two to three comments bare minimum saying something along the lines of " Who's still listening to this in (insert current year the comment was made)" or "they don't make songs like these anymore" and I'm over here thinking why is this a thing being repeated like we got a hive mind or bots. What was playing back in the day was a product of its time just like the music in the past and what we have now. It feels like I'm seeing a repeat of the older generation complaining about what the younger generation and how its worse with nothing but rose tinted glasses, only this time its the people in their late 20s-40s.


In response to blip #127077

@Grab-n-Stash: There's always going to be bad/mediocre music and music will always change, just like fashion trends, tastes in food, people, etc. Disco, Gansta Rap, Doo-wop, Slow Jams, old fashioned love songs, people singing about their past and many other kinds of genres can and would eventually be less seen produced after a while, with newer generations changing the playing field and maybe doing some callbacks with samples of the older songs they liked or inspired them. Rambling aside, my point is no matter what, it seems like there's just a constant circle of people complaining about how things were back then and can't seem to understand that while some of what they say can be right, things will never be static. Maybe its just human nature for people to have this mindset, but for better or worse, things can and will change whether they like it or not.

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