
In response to blip #127079

Kemonophonic said:
@Grab-n-Stash: I've been saying for years that new music is shit.

That's fine. I'm just saying I'm getting sick of seeing the same crap all over the comments. There's some good stuff around the 2010's I like and some stuff from 2000's and as early as the 70's, but all I'm saying is this feels like a neverending loop of people repeating the same comment with nothing original. I almost miss the t.m.i. posts of what the songs reminded them of in their past such as a death or loss. Yeah I get it, there's more crap nowadays but it ain't all crap. You'll just have to grab a shovel and start digging around more than usual compared to other years, find indie musicians who can fill that niche (because I'm sure the music industry now has gotten a bit too safe and less risk heavy), or if you've got the time, effort and skill you could make your own love letter to the songs or genres your a fan of.

In response to blip #127079

Kemonophonic said:
@Grab-n-Stash: I've been saying for years that new music is shit. Most of what I regularly listen to was recorded between 1980 and 2000.

most music is shit, just like-- in general. hell, most _art_ is shit in general, and it really always has been.

just because most stuff you can still somewhat easily get your hands on from that era now is pretty good does not mean that stuff from that era was better on the whole.

In response to blip #127079

Kemonophonic said:
@Grab-n-Stash: I've been saying for years that new music is shit. Most of what I regularly listen to was recorded between 1980 and 2000.

Everything new ıs shıt. We should just stop making new stuff and go back to using landlıne house phones, gas lamps, and parchment paper and shıt. /s

Jokes asıde, İ don't really get the argument why people thınk some thıngs are better just because they're made ın a certaın time period. Maybe you're just actively refusıng to look at thıngs made after 2000. Which İ guess ıs fıne, people have their own tastes. But that also means you're ıntenıonally avoıdıng fındıng the good new stuff. İf that's fıne wıth you, then just do what you want, İ guess.

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