In response to blip #127079

Kemonophonic said:
@Grab-n-Stash: I've been saying for years that new music is shit. Most of what I regularly listen to was recorded between 1980 and 2000.

Everything new ıs shıt. We should just stop making new stuff and go back to using landlıne house phones, gas lamps, and parchment paper and shıt. /s

Jokes asıde, İ don't really get the argument why people thınk some thıngs are better just because they're made ın a certaın time period. Maybe you're just actively refusıng to look at thıngs made after 2000. Which İ guess ıs fıne, people have their own tastes. But that also means you're ıntenıonally avoıdıng fındıng the good new stuff. İf that's fıne wıth you, then just do what you want, İ guess.


In response to blip #127087

Daleport996 said:
İ don't really get why people thınk some thıngs are better just because they're made ın a certaın time period. Maybe you're just actively refusıng to look at thıngs made after 2000. Which İ guess ıs fıne, people have their own tastes. But that also means you're ıntenıonally avoıdıng fındıng the good new stuff.

that is part of it, yes, but there's a bigger picture. Imagine you're a kid and you like music, you listen to it a lot and get used to how it sounds. But music isn't made by kids, it's made by grown-ups who, unlike kids, have an understanding of time context and the fact it changes. Because of this, what you'll see is that the music you're used to will not be made anymore, and what comes after will be different, not what you like, and you'll refuse to hear it. This is a childish reaction, yes, and someone who matures should grow out of it, but we know some people refuse to mature as well.

In response to blip #127087

Daleport996 said:
İ don't really get the argument why people thınk some thıngs are better just because they're made ın a certaın time period.

There is a real selection effect going on. Take the older stuff. Of course it seems better. Why would people bother mentioning or archiving music (or art, etc..) if it's forgettable?
Nostalgia is a separate phenomena IMO but acts to reinforce this selection effect (because, why would we (as individuals, this time) bother remembering music/art/etc that's forgettable? That seems as if it would be positively nonfunctional.)

Whereas contemporary creative work has only had a minimal level of filtering by the time we experience it.

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