Does anyone here type similar to how they would speak in public or is it the opposite or somewhere in between? And just in case I get that one guy, I don't mean like saying emoticons, emojis or owo/uwu out loud in public spaces. I mean more of are you more bold on here and softspoken off the internet?

Personally, I'm probably more formal with my words here than I'll ever be in person as if this is a job I take more serious than my actual job. I usually would have words like alright or want to/going to said out loud as aright and wanna/gonna. One thing similar is that I avoid being vulgar. The only thing vulgar from me is my taste in music. Well, not all of it. And other things, but I'm sure I don't need to explain or you want to know why that is.
post #4697790


In response to blip #127122

Grab-n-Stash said:
Does anyone here type similar to how they would speak in public or is it the opposite or somewhere in between? And just in case I get that one guy, I don't mean like saying emoticons, emojis or owo/uwu out loud in public spaces. I mean more of are you more bold on here and softspoken off the internet?

I think I tend to speak pretty similarly on here as how I speak in real life. also, I do try to type in such a way that it reads more or less how I'd actually say the sentence in real life.

I think the only, like, notable diffrence is just due to the delayed nature of text posts itself. mainly, that I have a lot more time to realize that _no one_ in the room is going to get the reference I was about to make to that mid-aughts flash webseries, or that random sub-10k view YTP, or whatever other random piece of media only I remember, so I can stop myself from posting it.

In response to blip #127122

I'm definitely much more confident and articulate when typing words on the internet than when speaking in real life. I feel like I speak with the same amount of formality, if only a little bit more casual here. And in terms of what I talk about, I'm more open to all kinds of horny and nerdy topics when on the internet.
Though, these are all probably just because I don't talk to people a lot in real life, unless I really need to.

Yay, congrats on the completion, man! The battery is fully charged!

In response to blip #127122

Grab-n-Stash said:
Does anyone here type similar to how they would speak in public or is it the opposite or somewhere in between?

very different. First, there's the issue of language, most people I interact with irl don't primarily speak english. Also, I speak a lot more here, not sure of the reason, it's just true. And, there's the fact that my voice tends to betray me, so even if/when I try to speak the same way, things like stuttering won't let me be understood.

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