In response to blip #127122
Grab-n-Stash said:
Does anyone here type similar to how they would speak in public or is it the opposite or somewhere in between? And just in case I get that one guy, I don't mean like saying emoticons, emojis or owo/uwu out loud in public spaces. I mean more of are you more bold on here and softspoken off the internet?
I think I tend to speak pretty similarly on here as how I speak in real life. also, I do try to type in such a way that it reads more or less how I'd actually say the sentence in real life.
I think the only, like, notable diffrence is just due to the delayed nature of text posts itself. mainly, that I have a lot more time to realize that _no one_ in the room is going to get the reference I was about to make to that mid-aughts flash webseries, or that random sub-10k view YTP, or whatever other random piece of media only I remember, so I can stop myself from posting it.