Topic: Tag Implication: greaves_&_bracers -> armor

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions



I'm sure you meant to have greaves & bracers implicate to armor as separate tags, not greaves_&_bracers as a single tag. Heh.

There are a handful of instances where bracers and greaves are arguably worn as a fashion accessory as opposed to as a piece of armor. In which case, images like these should also bear the unconvincing_armor tag to go with the implicated armor tag due to the bracers. (Side note: Just about every image of Krystal in her tribal outfit are in need of the unconvincing_armor tag.)
post #631762 post #306741 post #199127

Though worn decoratively, they still are very-much a piece of armor and could be used as such. In addition to how few examples of "non-armor" bracers there are, I guess this might not pose as too big of an issue.

But there were/are some instances where the bracers tag wasn't used properly and it would've erroneously implied armor.

Updated by anonymous

Based on what is already implicated, this seems fine. I've approved both.

Updated by anonymous