Topic: Tag Implications: Cum-Related

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

cum_in_pussy -> pussy

I just saw a picture that had the tag cum_in_pussy, but no pussy tag. Or a female tag, for that matter. This should be a no-brainer, right?

cum_on_penis -> penis

Just to cover the bases here. You can't have a cum_on_* tag without the * being present.

cum_on_* or cum_in_* -> *

Where it applies.

cum_on_* OR cum_in_* OR cum_inside -> cum

Again, to cover bases, in case we don't have these.

cum_in_ass AND -solo (Maybe also -after_sex) -> anal, anal_penetration

Really just because it's convenient, and I'm going off on a rant.


Mutisija said:
implying cum_in_pussy -> pussy is bad idea because pussy is not always visible and it needs to be visible to get the pussy tag.

post #706262 post #701698 post #679689

I don't know, I'd say those first two are quite clearly showing vag, or at least part of it. The last one, it's debatable as to whether or not she IS getting "fucked right in the pussy".

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
I don't know, I'd say those first two are quite clearly showing vag, or at least part of it. The last one, it's debatable as to whether or not she IS getting "fucked right in the pussy".

well might not be the best examples but i really cant go throught cum_in_pussy -pussy with this slow internet to find any better examples. but anyways it IS possible to show that character has cum in their pussy without showing their pussy (for example cum dripping between legs from right angle while everything is still covered by cloth or some shit)

Updated by anonymous

Implication: cum_in_pussy -> pussy denied

It makes sense based on the name, but it isn't something that works well based on how things are tagged. For instance, if there is enough evidence that it isn't anal and there is cum dripping down, it is usually tagged as cum_in_pussy anyways. The implication would cause pussy to be mistagged when it wasn't actually visible. If it was a fairly niche tag we might be able to clean it up and find new implications to make, but it doesn't seem like this is feasible or practical to do at this point.

cum_on_penis -> penis works because it doesn't have the same things to consider. You can't reasonably assume that there is cum on a penis if you can't see the penis (at least in most cases).

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Implication: cum_in_pussy -> pussy denied

It makes sense based on the name, but it isn't something that works well based on how things are tagged. For instance, if there is enough evidence that it isn't anal and there is cum dripping down, it is usually tagged as cum_in_pussy anyways. The implication would cause pussy to be mistagged when it wasn't actually visible. If it was a fairly niche tag we might be able to clean it up and find new implications to make, but it doesn't seem like this is feasible or practical to do at this point.

cum_on_penis -> penis works because it doesn't have the same things to consider. You can't reasonably assume that there is cum on a penis if you can't see the penis (at least in most cases).

I'm curious, is the system set up to allow for multiple arguments when it comes to tag implications?

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
I'm curious, is the system set up to allow for multiple arguments when it comes to tag implications?

If you mean "can a tag have multiple implications", then yes it can.

For instance, fellatio implies both oral and sex. A tag can have an unlimited number of implications if someone really wanted to do that, but I've never seen any that had more than a few (not that I can think of offhand anyhow). If you want to see what implications a tag has, it's easiest to just look at the wiki page (it will show at the bottom if there are any).

If you mean setting up more complex conditional arguments like "if cum_in_pussy is also tagged cake_in_pussy, then tag cake_mixed_with_cum", then no the system can't do that. It's kind of "all or nothing" in that regard.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
If you mean "can a tag have multiple implications", then yes it can.

For instance, fellatio implies both oral and sex. A tag can have an unlimited number of implications if someone really wanted to do that, but I've never seen any that had more than a few (not that I can think of offhand anyhow). If you want to see what implications a tag has, it's easiest to just look at the wiki page (it will show at the bottom if there are any).

If you mean setting up more complex conditional arguments like "if cum_in_pussy is also tagged cake_in_pussy, then tag cake_mixed_with_cum", then no the system can't do that. It's kind of "all or nothing" in that regard.

Ah. So no cum_in_ass AND -solo AND -after_sex -> anal, anal_penetration. THAT would be helpful, for filling out tags with only a few.

The two features I'd like to see are said complex arguments and also a tag suggestion system, like the tag system, but doesn't force it on, for tags that are commonly associated with certain other tags, but not always (I remember lucario -> jackal being denied for species-bending purposes, even though it technically would not be a lucario anymore.)


penis -+> male (Due to it usually being a male thing, but there are dickgirls)
sonic_the_hedgehog -+> male (Sonic is usually a male, but gender-bending is a thing)
artist:rottenrobbie -+> male (Robbie generally draws at least one male per picture, usually two, but you never know if he'll upload a picture consisting of two cuntboys using a double-sided dildo)

Updated by anonymous