Requested feature overview description.
Having the ability to use the '-' key in searches and blacklisting along with '+' to include another tag for that search or blacklist--that way any results that have both those tags (not just one or the other) won't appear.
Why would it be useful?
For example, you might only wanna see anal with male/male, and prefer male/female stuff to be vaginal. Being able to search '-anal+male/female' would let you see only what you wanna see.
Sure you could 'just' search male/male anal or 'just' search male/female vaginal -anal, but I think a combination option would be useful for getting more precise with searches and blacklists in one go, rather than two.
Another example could be with artists. Let's say an artist draws males really well, but you don't like how they draw females. You don't wanna '-' or blacklist the artist or '-' or blacklist all female posts, so why not have a combination option? Just type in '-artist+female' and boom. You get to have your artist and their well-drawn males :D
What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
The search function and blacklist.