Topic: Literally the 'oldest' post on e6

Posted under General

Like I'm talking old as in years old, whats the oldest? I know that there are posts from the 80's here. So pretty much the dark ages of furry porn

Updated by user 201684

Xesnogard said:
This is the oldest post i've found here. order:id post #14

That is the oldest upload, but since the site only started in 2007 it's not the oldest picture based on the creation date of the picture itself.

Updated by anonymous

Not exactly an answer to your question, but apparently there's a 25,000 year old carved bone that has Human X Lioness porn on it. It's not on e621 though, and I've never seen it. Apparently the claim comes from "The Prehistory of Sex" by Timothy L. Taylor, but I don't have access to the book to take a look at what it cites as its source.

I'd like sometime to track it down, because then it would be the oldest post here. 25,000 years old would be hard to top!

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Well... These aren't on e621, but the first of these tijuana bibles is from 1930s.

Rule 34 isn't anything new. Japanese were drawing porn of Kimba the White Lion in 1950s, too.

It's just that most of those have been destroyed. Porn is rarely kept in pristine condition, and inherited porn stashes tend to get thrown out.

Updated by anonymous