Topic: Tag Alias: fan -> fan_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

+1 Sounds good.

The first two are probably the primary definitions here.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

It's tagged a lot for hand/folding fans. Might even be the most common usage.

Hand_fan and folding_fan tags exist, but overlap. I'd suggest aliasing the former into latter, except there's also a few Eastern type of fans that don't fold:

post #44059

Though perhaps those could be tagged as something else. Those are called uchiwa fans, but that name might be too obscure.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Since there were no comments, I went ahead and added the uchiwa_fan tag for the traditional Japanese fans. (Maybe implicate uchiwa_fan -> hand_fan?)

The fan disambiguation is needed, but I'm not sure what electric fans should be tagged as. ...would electric_fan suffice? It might be unintuitive for ones such as this, but probably accurate enough:

post #169077

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I did some preliminary sorting on this.
Ceiling_fan seems pretty common, I see no reason not to tag it.

Mechanical_fan might work better than electric_fan. Can't decide which to use. Anyone prefer one over the other?

Also found one instance of war_fan. Yep, fans were used as actual weapons in feudal Japan. And not just in anime.

One possible problem with the hand_fan tag:
post #693288
'Hand fan', but not the normal type. Should it still be tagged as hand_fan?

Then there's plenty of posts that I can't figure out. Such as:
post #827633 post #870694 post #547514 post #556518 post #638823 post #646896 post #646897 post #705194 post #824271
There must(?) be some other usage of 'fan' that I'm overlooking. What am I missing?

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
I did some preliminary sorting on this.
Ceiling_fan seems pretty common, I see no reason not to tag it.

I was referring to an implication.

Mechanical_fan might work better than electric_fan. Can't decide which to use. Anyone prefer one over the other?

I acutally like Mechanical better, too.

Also found one instance of war_fan. Yep, fans were used as actual weapons in feudal Japan. And not just in anime.

Huh, must be undertagged, I'm sure there should be more than just one.

One possible problem with the hand_fan tag:
post #693288
'Hand fan', but not the normal type. Should it still be tagged as hand_fan?

Portable fan?

Then there's plenty of posts that I can't figure out. Such as:
There must(?) be some other usage of 'fan' that I'm overlooking. What am I missing?

"Fan art." Those ones should just have it removed.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:

post #870694
well this is tagged as fan because the description of the source page implies that the horse is big fan of simba

post #827633
here it might refer to the shape of the one tentacle's tip

post #638823 post #646896 post #646897
are tagged as fan because in source they are tagged as fan art

i cant figure out others but they bight have the fan tag because they are fan art

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Furrin_Gok said:
I acutally like Mechanical better, too.

Okay, I'll start tagging those as mechanical_fan. Can always be changed if there are objections.

Portable fan?

Would probably work. So far nobody's tagged that for rotary fans.

"Fan art." Those ones should just have it removed.

Mutisija said:
i cant figure out others but they bight have the fan tag because they are fan art

Ah, of course. I didn't realize that it'd be that common, but many of those seem to have been posted by users who simply copied tags from elsewhere. Without underscores. ...will need to check all tags on those, there are probably mistags.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

98% sorted out. The rest are either on my blacklist, or otherwise need someone else to check them (some have too much clutter, there might be a fan somewhere that I didn't spot...)

Updated tree, no implications yet:

Other 'fan' tags:

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
98% sorted out. The rest are either on my blacklist, or otherwise need someone else to check them (some have too much clutter, there might be a fan somewhere that I didn't spot...)

Awesome. Approved alias and added your list to the disambiguation wiki for easy access.

Thanks :)

Updated by anonymous

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