Aliasing neuter → invalid_tag
Link to alias
Alright, I've been thinking about this for a while. While this may not be as huge of deal as it was a while ago, it still comes up every now and then, and it's still mentioned in the wikis. What do I propose?
First of all, ignore the wiki. It was last updated in 2010 and we've already established it conflicts with a lot of things, including (most importantly) how most people actually use it. Previous discussions: forum #138787 forum #101670 forum #133985
Second, I'm ignoring any intersex for the moment, because it's easier to explain that way.
Third, before anyone brings this up, here's the definition of neuter for convenience:
Neuter (dictionary definition):
//my comments//
- (adjective)
- //grammar-related//
- (of an animal) lacking developed sexual organs, or having had them removed. //"A neuter tadpole"; "A neuter dog"//
- //botany-related//
- (of a person) apparently having no sexual characteristics; asexual. //"Sam is a neuter dancer"//
- (noun)
- //grammar-related//
- //grammar-related//
- //entomology-related//
- a castrated or spayed domestic animal. //"That dog is a neuter."//
- a person who appears to lack sexual characteristics. //"Sam is a neuter."//
- (verb) [with obj.]
- castrate or spay (a domestic animal): (as adj. neutered) //"Neuter that dog right now."; "A neutered dog" //
- //unrelated use//
*Adapted from the NOAD, 2013)
Summary from definition above:
- A neuter (cat) - The cat has no balls
- A neutered (cat) - The cat has no balls
- To neuter a (dog) - The removing of balls
- (Fluffy) was neutered - The balls were removed
- (Sam) has no sexual characteristics; they are neuter - For whatever reason, they just never came with any
Neuter is pretty much used to imply the character has no balls, leaving castration for the act/fetish of actually removing the balls. However that second definition of "genderless" has gotten mixed in a bit and it's so far been unhelpful.
- neuter --Alias-> invalid_tag
- neutered - Definition: A character whose balls have been removed (needs evidence, like a scar)
- eunuch --Alias-> neutered (I actually like this word because it lacks conflicting definitions, however not everyone knows how to spell or even remembers it)
- eunich --Alias-> neutered (I suspect other people misspell this as much as I do)
- gelding --Alias-> neutered (horse with balls removed; species-specific)
- penectomy - Definition: Removed penis, or removing penis (balls irrelevant) (unfortunately we don't really have a second tag for the act itself)
- castration - Definition: The act of removing balls (penis irrelevant)
- neutering --Alias-> castration
- nullo - Definition: Removed penis and balls (needs evidence, like a scar)
- featureless_crotch - Definition: It's bald and there's possibly an anus present present or something but no scars (I haven't really got this one down quite yet, but you get the picture)
- ambiguous gender - Definition: Can't tell (already established)
- male, female, dickgirl herm, maleherm, cuntboy (however we already use them)
Of note: Unfortunately, most of these don't work as implications. A picture with both castration and penectomy should be nullo as well is my current thoughts. Note that these tags should probably work well enough to include intersex.
- Balls + has a penis = normal male (already established)]]
- Balls + removed penis = penectomy (with scar)
- Removing penis = penectomy
- Removed balls + has a penis = neutered (with scar)
- Removing balls = castration
- Removed balls + removed penis = nullo (with scar)
- Removing balls + removing penis = castration, penectomy, and eventually nullo
- Can't tell? = ambiguous_gender (already established)
- No scars or anything but no genitals? = featureless_crotch (think angels), not really intended for safe posts though otherwise we'd have a lot more of these.
The only thing I'm really not sure about is...
- nullification = invalid_tag? nullo?
- nullification --implies-> castration + penectomy?
Updated by Furrin Gok