Topic: Tag Alias: neum -> nox

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Switched to neum -> nox_(artist). Hopefully there's only one of them.

Aliased nox & nox_(character) -> nox_(disambiguation).

The character previously known as nox_(character) has been tagged as nox_(sonicfox).

I've queued an implication for (nox_(sonicfox) -> sonicfox), but I will probably edit it later. Sonicfox currently refers to both the character (Nik) and the character owner. It should be manually fixed.

If there is only one Nik character, I could implicate both Nik and nox_(sonicfox) to sonicfox_(copyright) or something similar.

I could then alias (sonicfox -> sonicfox_(disambiguation)).

I know this is confusing. Don't remind me

post #439121

Updated by anonymous

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