Topic: Anime tag

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

How should be anime tag used? Wiki page, and current usage doesn't say too much.
Should it be used on any character from any anime? So there should be implications from pokemon, and many, many others?
Or should it be used when picture is drawn in anime style. Then maybe it should be aliased to anime_style or animesque.
Or maybe it's just pointless tag that need to be deleted?

Updated by TheHuskyK9

I say it should be used whenever there are characters from any commercially-available anime; I wouldn't use it for fan-made or original anime-style manga or webcomics.

We could use anime-style for images drawn in an anime style, but lacking any known anime characters. But then you get into what defines 'anime-style', as it's different for each person. Could get sticky.

Updated by anonymous

Tis a silly tag that half the pics in it don't apply just from a quick look. If it were to be used, it should be for ones from commercially available animes and such.

Updated by anonymous

CamKitty said:
Tis a silly tag that half the pics in it don't apply just from a quick look. If it were to be used, it should be for ones from commercially available animes and such.


Updated by anonymous

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