Topic: "long_animation" tag?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Am I the only one who thinks that there should be a tag for long gifs like post #619363 and post #394953? Y'know, for animations that are longer than a couple seconds looped? And what would be a good name for it? Long_animation? Or what do you guys/gals think?

P.S. Just a suggestion. I'd gladly tag said images whenever I can.

Updated by furrypickle

The alt text for posts should have the file size. Animated gifs can't be scaled down so a 30 MB GIF can be a problem.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

aurel said:
Still, it would make a lot of disagreement on what is long..

Good point.
Maybe if we added short_animation tag instead...? That seems easier to define (we could decide on how many minutes counts as short), and it'd still be useful in finding or filtering out long animations.

Updated by anonymous

Is the loop tag valid for any post that starts again from the beginning when finished (no matter how long it is) or is it just for posts with infinite looping of a couple of frames or so?

If it's the latter that could help things here...

animated -loop = long animation
animated loop = short animation

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:
so far useful to find posts which missed the loop tag...

Wow, I didn't realise how undertagged it was. Guess we just discovered a new tagging project.

Updated by anonymous

DragonFox69 said:
Is the loop tag valid for any post that starts again from the beginning when finished (no matter how long it is) or is it just for posts with infinite looping of a couple of frames or so?

If it's the latter that could help things here...

animated -loop = long animation
animated loop = short animation

Technically all gifs on here loop, but you make an excellent point there. But like

aurel said: it would make a lot of disagreement on what is long.

From my personal opinion:
Loop/Short animation: post #454059
Long animation: post #458814
Also: gifs should be considered long depending on their length, as opposed to how many frames.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
short_film :P

Nah, short_film isn't referring to length. It's referring to things which are like "mini movies". Sort of like how "short stories" are like smaller written stories as compared to a full-sized novel; a "short film" is smaller than a full sized movie but still has a lot of the same characteristics (a beginning/end, a bit of a story plot, etc). As a tag, it helps distinguish flashes/webms/etc which tell a short story (like a miniature movie), instead of just being a flash_game, an interactive sex scene, a music_video or just a random clip.

So it wouldn't work for what this thread is looking for since it's for something different entirely. A tag for "this is freakin' short in length and it's animated" will have to be something else. Genjar's idea of short_animation might possibly work.

Updated by anonymous

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