Topic: Tag for "story in description?"

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I'm SUPPOSED to be getting ready for work, but instead I'm posting here on the forums :P

Let me start off by saying that I've seen this kinda briefly come up before, but couldn't easily find anything in the forums with a search. Sorry if it's been brought up and I missed it or forgot about it :P

Anyway, I recently posted a piece that came along with a short story. I put the story in the description (inside a collapsed section because it was around 2 pages long), and I was wondering if there was an acceptable tag for that. The most relevant ones I could find were story, which seems to be used for this purpose sometimes but also seems to be used on some "sequential art" posts as well, and story_in_description, which works but seems... Clunky, and underutilized.

So, yeah, is there a better tag to use for stories written in the description? If it's story, it seems a bit too vague, and is currently misused, but it's at least easy to type and search. And story_in_description works I suppose, but it seems awkward, and probably isn't searched for much because of that.

Updated by user 34602

Me, I've been using "story" whether the story is in the description or not.

Updated by anonymous

I just use story. It started out for me as my way of putting "tldr" to the tags, but now I add it if I notice it. I can start using story_in_description or even start going through the story tags if you want. I feel as though it's a part of the post either way, but I see the utility in being able to search for the description stories.

By the way, I appreciate you changing those into a collapsed section, it actually annoyed me frequently enough (having to scroll all the way down to find the edit button) that I set the autocollapse, which I feel odd about for some reaosn. Things like that should really be collapsed by default anyways. I don't mean in a "rule or ban" sort of way, just as a common courtesy.

Updated by anonymous

Good question. I've recently started using story when uploading something with a story in the description (didn't know the tag existed until last week), but wasn't really sure if it's actually meant to be used like this. Guess it's alright.

And yeah, definitely always section it when it's longer than about 15-20 full lines, or at least when it gets to the point where it requires scrolling to skip. I'd hate to annoy someone with a text wall that they may not want to read.

By the way, I don't see what's so clunky about story_in_description. Well, aside from the fact that it's an obscure tag as I've once again never seen it used before. But it's unambiguous and concise, so that seems fine. At the very least it's a more intuitive search term than character_from_animated_feature_film, teh feck is up with that shit? :/

Updated by anonymous

You all are makingfine points, and they're pretty similar to how I feel about these tags. Do you think we should perhaps use story_in_description for these situations, and put in the wiki that it's used for that purpose? I'd be totally fine with that, but wanted to make sure with others before taking any action. And perhaps story should be used for anything that contains summer account of story being the normal image, perhaps excluding comics? And of course we would need to implicate story_in_description to story.

Also, I agree about descriptions. Massively long ones should be condensed by the author. It's just kind of annoying when they don't :P so, uh, you're welcome, lol. It would be cool if there were an animated function.

Updated by anonymous

First attempt :P

post #572175

post #572176

If you'd ask me, I would use story if there's a story relating to the image at the source, and story_in_description (indeed with story implicated) if the uploader has also put it in the description here. I'd leave what's in the image out of the equation for once, as anything with a visual story is usually a comic anyway.

On second thought, using only story for something that's not on the page could be a bit vague. Perhaps that one would need something like story_at_the_source. But that would mean you'd get three tags on images that have the source's story in the description, which could be cluttery... Hmmm...

Updated by anonymous

Sorry to bring this back up but I was going through and tagging pictures that had a story in the description with story_in_description, but I'm not sure what to do with posts that only link a story. I like Jugofthat's second suggestion of using story_at_the_source (or potentially story_at_source) but story is still left with vague usage. I would suggest invalidation but I'm sure the tag can still serve a decent purpose.

Updated by anonymous

I've edited the tag's wiki. Feel free to add more to it if you want, just thought I'd help.

Updated by anonymous

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