Topic: Cue Tagging Dilemma

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

So we have the tags cue, cue_stick and pool_cue which all are used to tag the stick you play billiards with. Clearly aliases need to be made.

I know we tend to alias the terms with the least posts tagged with it to the one with the most, which would mean aliasing to pool_cue. However I feel this time cue_stick is the better option to alias towards since it goes well with the cue_ball tag. I think we can all agree that the cue tag alone is too vague.

That all considered, here are our options:

A) Alias cue and cue_stick -> pool_cue

B) Alias cue and pool_cue -> cue_stick

I vote for B

Updated by user 59725

Durandal said:

That pun might have been funny if the cue and que were pronounced even slightly the same, but they aren't. #WhiteFail :P

Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
That pun might have been funny if the cue and que were pronounced even slightly the same, but they aren't. #WhiteFail :P

Hey, I know all about Spannich.

Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
That pun might have been funny if the cue and que were pronounced even slightly the same, but they aren't. #WhiteFail :P

It can: "Quiiiiuuuuuhhhh" :3

Updated by anonymous

Last chance to voice any objections to Plan B, otherwise I'll make the alias proposals later today.

Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
Last chance to voice any objections to Plan B, otherwise I'll make the alias proposals later today.

I've never heard of it being called a cue stick myself, but if it's aliased it doesn't matter to me which we use.

Updated by anonymous

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