Okay, so several users seem to think this image needs to be rated explicit.
I think it should be rated questionable because that's what ippiki rated it. Is there enough here to make this image explicit?
Updated by NotMeNotYou
Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions
Okay, so several users seem to think this image needs to be rated explicit.
I think it should be rated questionable because that's what ippiki rated it. Is there enough here to make this image explicit?
Updated by NotMeNotYou
Implicit sex and undressing. I'd tag it explicit because of that
Updated by anonymous
I can see her clit. Doesn't that in and of itself make it explicit?
If that somehow doesn't mean explicit on its own, there's also clear vulva stimulation going on there. And because of where the other person's fingers are when they go out of view, there could even be implied fingering. Both vulva stimulation and vaginal fingering would be sexual stimulation and I would think that would also be a reason to tag it explicit. Especially when the picture has both of these things, I'd go with 'explicit'.
Updated by anonymous
furrypickle said:
I can see her clit. Doesn't that in and of itself make it explicit?
I didn't even see that. You're right, there's a very subtle bit of pussy showing. Thanks for pointing it out!
Updated by anonymous
That and anything of a sexual nature gets the explicit tag. Even if you couldn't see her clit, you can see the other girl's hand on top of her cooch, so it would get rated explicit anyway.
Updated by anonymous
Ippiki probably forgot to rate it.
And even if the clitoris wouldn't be visible then it would get explicit for the sexual action going on.
Updated by anonymous