Topic: Tag Implication: mai_shiranui -> fatal_fury

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Looks like King of Fighters is sort of like that company's Smash Bros, so it's not something we would want to imply under normal circumstances.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Looks like King of Fighters is sort of like that company's Smash Bros, so it's not something we would want to imply under normal circumstances.

If so (not into that genre) then nevermind KOF, but implicating FF when Mai is tagged is still something that I think should be done.

Updated by anonymous

imagoober said:
If so (not into that genre) then nevermind KOF, but implicating FF when Mai is tagged is still something that I think should be done.

Definitely. Fatal Fury is sort of like Street Fighter; it gets tagged because it's the base game, not the crossover game. Only characters specific to the crossover game (ie Master Hand from Smash Bros) get implicated to that game, while characters like Mario just get implicated to Mario Bros.

Updated by anonymous


imagoober said:
Apparently this got lost in the shuffle...

Still requesting the implication for mai_shiranui -> fatal_fury.

Using the suggestion tool puts it into a queue, so as long as it gets created using that tool, it doesn't run the risk of getting lost like normal threads do.

If there's anything specific you are waiting for and it's been a couple days, feel free to send me a quick PM.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
If there's anything specific you are waiting for and it's been a couple days, feel free to send me a quick PM.

Ok, I'll keep that in mind for next time. I've addressed all the standing issues that I was thinking about, for now.

Updated by anonymous