So ive seen multiple times on this site admins telling people "If you don't like something then black list it" Which is fine, if you don't want to see something nasty like scat there is no reason to complain because you can block it but not when shit isn't tagged right on this site.
I don't want to see all this disgusting pedophile shit but half of it isn't tagged "young" so it shows up on the page. Its absolutely fucking disgusting and borderline illegal and I don't want it on my computer.
So if you don't want people writing comments tag your content right or don't complain about black listing.
INB4 "Just tag it your self" DERR I never thought of that! Then that would mean 1. Its not being tagged right in the first place and im seeing it anyway 2. I would have to go in and click on it further exposing myself to this sick shit
Updated by TonyCoon