Topic: Admins aren't doing their job

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

WARNING! Negativity and stupidity levels have gone trough the roof!

whatthefuckerver said:
No one even wants to meet me half way or even try to understand where im coming from. Clearly im not going to change anyones mind with the admins acting rude with all of the normal users acting as lap dogs for them parroting their points without debate.

What... I mean... I DID! And so did many others! Of course people with vanilla taste do not want to see some stuff this site gets uploaded, but that's exact reason why there is blacklist and tagging. You just simply decided to ignore any of the suggestions to help with the issue, keep targeting admins for something that's not their job, blaming users for licking admins asses because they do not agree with you and keep being baby about it (or... cub about it lol). At this point it would be good for some admin to add unapproved posts to this users blacklist so they would stop complaining about admins not doing their job.

Because of this of course people are seeing you as a troll: you keep flaming negativity and pointing fingers instead of trying to fix the issue.

Because of this I think it's good idea to just stop responding and aknowledging this thread or the user. Either his a troll, one of those persons who think they are always right and can't be dealt with or gets really good kicks out of getting internet users attention.

Updated by anonymous

i have never seen anyone as salty as this guy! incredible! please do continue, im having fun!

Updated by anonymous

I may as well throw my two cents into this, even though I generally hate forums and using them:

Personally, I feel like the administration of this website is some of the best I have ever seen. They have created a fairly well-oiled machine, where the staff actively comments, replies, and works with the users to make this place more enjoyable for everyone.

I balked a little at the 'Tag What You See' policy at first, but came to understand and agree with it over time and with careful consideration. Other websites like FA, DA, so on, are all tagged on a person-by-person basis, with little regard to a cohesive guideline. Random subjective tags, typos, or no tags at all run rampant in those art websites. Makes finding things a complete pain in the butt.

The only reason I can see for someone wanting to stir the crap-storm is to do just that. Stir it. If it's too much trouble for you to click on that little 'edit' button on the left and add in a proper tag so that you don't have to look at an image for milliseconds longer than you have to, then maybe this isn't the website for you.

It's a community effort.

So either we all work together, or we fall into the decayed cesspool of Furaffinity tags.

Updated by anonymous

whatthefuckerver said:
The admins don't seem to be getting my point that if I have to go in and tag it myself then im going beyond the thumb nail and seeing the full version myself

Actually, you aren't. Use the dropdown "Select Mode" box to go into "Edit," you can edit the tags without entering the image.

And the other normal users are sitting in here trying to get some browny points hoping they get a privileged account out of copying and pasting.

By "No one," you mean yourself, right? If you would take the time to read all of our posts, like you suggest we do, you'd realize we are, and we've offered good points apart from the admin's.

whatthefuckerver said:

Quit that. It's annoying, this isn't 4chan, we don't have greentext.

Ew no, im not this is a porn site not a community. Im not an uploader or an admin im not going to go around doing chores for you people. Im here for porn. Notice how this is my first forum post? Or that I don't have an avatar? Because I have zero interest in being a part of a furry porn community. I would gladly share some uploads but thats it. I only have an account on here to favorite stuff. Even then you and everyone else on here are attacking me right now and being absolutely rude. Why would I want to help an un welcoming group of people

The fact that you have an account means you're part of the community. You are on our members list, which is also known as our "List of Community Members."

Again you act as if im too lazy to tag it. If I don't even want to look at that shit from the thumb nail then what makes you think I would like to click on it so I can tag it?

Yet you are willing to click through the image to complain about the lack of a tag? Like I said before: Use the EDIT mode to not have to enter the image proper.

whatthefuckerver said:
No one even wants to meet me half way or even try to understand where im coming from.

Incorrect. We understand perfectly fine, but you've been ignoring our sensible suggestions.[/quote]

Seriously calling me a troll just to try to discredit my argument that's where I should have known everyone in this thread wasn't open to discussion.

I haven't seen anybody actually trying to discredit you through that claim, anybody who's used it has also offered suggestions to help you around the problem.

Updated by anonymous

No matter how much you act like a parrot the admins wont respect you or give you a privilege account kid.

Stop replying

None of us want privileged accounts, the only possible reason you keep bringing that back up is because you probably want one yourself. See, I was a contributor level user at one point. I lost that level, shows that no, ass kissing will not get you a level perk. Also shows none of us are kissing admin ass.
Stop replying? Hows about no? You kicked the hornets nest, you get to deal with the pissed off swarm of stinging hornets. Simple as that.
The reason you got yelled at by the admin was because you complain and do nothing to solve the problem. Most of the users who do that will get a record for bitching yet not helping fix the issue. It takes longer to complain than it does to add a tag and exit the image.

whatthefuckerver said:
Please get out and stop trying to start shit. I don't not respect or want your opinion.

Right back at you, if you don't respect us you'll get none in return.

MissChu said:
I may as well throw my two cents into this, even though I generally hate forums and using them:

Don't bother, this user's the type that feels entitled to everything around them, they also seem like a troll cuz everyone keeps telling them how to solve the problem but they'd rather admin/user bash instead of listening.

Updated by anonymous

Could you guys do the smart thing and lock this thread already?

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
Could you guys do the smart thing and lock this thread already?

Yeah I keep waiting...but I think their having too much fun pushing mister sensitives buttons.

Updated by anonymous

whatthefuckerver said:

I noticed you only have a few tags on your blacklist. I know of at least a few more that are commonly associated with cub which might be able to help fill gaps in tagging for you.

If you would like me to add them for you, let me know (if you prefer not to respond to the thread, you can also send me a PM).

Updated by anonymous

The rules don't say young/cub/scat/watersports/hetty have to be tagged correctly. The rules say:

Refusal to Use Blacklist

Additionally, if a user finds a post that is incorrectly tagged and willingly chooses to complain about seeing it instead of placing the correct tag, this rule may also be enforced then.

Tagging Abuse / Tagging Vandalism

This category includes:

  • Failure to cite a minimum of 4 tags to an uploaded post
  • Adding a tag to a post that is not either clearly visible, or reasonably assumed
  • Removing a valid tag, either as part of a dispute/argument, or to place one that is not correct
  • Failure to properly set the rating of your upload (
  • Adding invalid/disruptive tags, or any tags that could be considered as defamatory or spam
  • Using Unicode in tags, with the exception of foreign artist/character names

There will always be mistagging because everybody makes mistakes. If content you see in thumbnails is illegal in your country, or you are too disgusted by untagged young/cub and won't do it yourself, the site might not be right for you. The vast majority of content is tagged correctly.

Updated by anonymous

whatthefuckerver said:
at least It tried

Nah, you never did that. You didn't give it a good go and failed, you gave it a bad go and didn't even pass the starting line.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I noticed you only have a few tags on your blacklist. I know of at least a few more that are commonly associated with cub which might be able to help fill gaps in tagging for you.

If you would like me to add them for you, let me know (if you prefer not to respond to the thread, you can also send me a PM).

Hey look a nice and thoughtful suggestion from an admin. Oh look I messaged him/her saying yes and then thanking them.

Oh look when you're not trying to be antagonistic and actually helpful unlike 90% of this thread I appreciate it

Updated by anonymous

whatthefuckerver said:
Good god people still replying to this thread?

Hey, at least there was a different suggestion to tag posts without going in to the full view

v v v v

Furrin_Gok said:

whatthefuckerver said:
The admins don't seem to be getting my point that if I have to go in and tag it myself then im going beyond the thumb nail and seeing the full version myself

Actually, you aren't. Use the dropdown "Select Mode" box to go into "Edit," you can edit the tags without entering the image.


But really, the only things you can do are:
A) Fix the problem by yourself by clicking Edit on the left sidebar or below the image, add the missing tags and move on (or as Furrin Gok said)
B) Politely (and I say "politely", given how you react to such things) tell the uploader, another user or an admin if they can review the image and add missing tags, or
C) Move on without making noise



whatthefuckerver said:
Hey look a nice and thoughtful suggestion from an admin. Oh look I messaged him/her saying yes and then thanking them.

Oh look when you're not trying to be antagonistic and actually helpful unlike 90% of this thread I appreciate it

Or that, ask what's wrong with your blacklist. Most of the users here are helpful but if you don't describe your problem without such wording we can't really help you

Updated by anonymous

whatthefuckerver said:
Good god people still replying to this thread?


Doesn't this post make it adundantly clear this guy's not interested in solving a problem and, whatever his reason for making the topic, his reason for still being in it is completely malicious in nature?

Updated by anonymous

whatthefuckerver said:
Good god people still replying to this thread?


Yet you just did the same thing? So you're calling yourself sad lol

Also, I thought you said you going to stop posting vv

whatthefuckerver said:
Im going to stop post, not just in here but everywhere on this site.


Updated by anonymous

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