I filed this under "general" since I didn't know where to put this, but isn't the "white_slceria" tag really needed? If it's not there, should implied by the absence of a tag saying otherwise?
Updated by titanmelon
Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions
I filed this under "general" since I didn't know where to put this, but isn't the "white_slceria" tag really needed? If it's not there, should implied by the absence of a tag saying otherwise?
Updated by titanmelon
Changed it into the correct category.
As for the tag, I think you mean "white_sclera" and I don't think it's needed since it's a default color. I can see the use for "black_sclera" and others because they aren't the default color for eyes
Updated by anonymous
I miss-typed, not good with these technical terms, but yeah, saw the tag, though tit was redundant, and made a record of it here.
Updated by anonymous
I dislike the tag very much.
It was last discussed on forum #181559.
Genjar's idea sounds reasonable enough:
Genjar said:
I concur. Wiki entry or not, it'll keep getting tagged the same way. Because there's no reason to think that it should be tagged different from other tags in the group.I'm for invalidating it, but how about just using the alternate_eye_color tag instead? I don't think we need anything more specific than that; the sclera tags are of marginal use at best.
Updated by anonymous
We discussed this before: forum #181559. Basically, it was a debate on whether to get rid of it entirely or to only tag it for characters or species that don't normally have white sclera.
Updated by anonymous
I understand, i didn't realize.
Updated by anonymous
Furrin_Gok said:
We discussed this before: forum #181559. Basically, it was a debate on whether to get rid of it entirely or to only tag it for characters or species that don't normally have white sclera.
The latter sounds much more useful.
What about cases like these as well?: Separate characters with black and white sclerae
(Assuming it's not being used downright incorrectly, stuff like this always comes up when people wonder why 'common' tags like tail, feet, hands, fingers, giant horsecocks etc. shouldn't be nuked because they're taking up valuable tag DB space or something- which apparently is at a premium)
Try finding posts of >1 character with both the 'default' attribute and a non-default one- in this case, the above thumbnail:
You'd search black_sclera ???
Where '???' is a non existent tag because it was nuked. Even worse if umbrella tags like sclera ect. are invalidated as well. And people get nothing.
They lose
Good Day
Updated by anonymous
Furrin_Gok said:
We discussed this before: forum #181559. Basically, it was a debate on whether to get rid of it entirely or to only tag it for characters or species that don't normally have white sclera.
I like the idea of only using it when it's unusual, but I've never used the tag and probably never will, so it might as well disappear.
Updated by anonymous
Aeruginis said:
I like the idea of only using it when it's unusual, but I've never used the tag and probably never will, so it might as well disappear.
I dunno, I like looking for white sclera'd renamon from time to time.
Updated by anonymous
About as useful as tagging arms and legs.
Updated by anonymous
Discussion about tags like these here:
forum #187706 - Advanced Policy Discussions: Implicative/Non-Conjunctive tag usage (Mar. 2016)
Updated by anonymous