Topic: new pubes tag ?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I don't really know if this topic should be in this category, sorry if it musn't.

I've found myself liking really "developed" pubes like in post #973202 and post #651011 , and as they apparently don't have a tag (or I am blind and haven't seen it) I wanted to create one.

I thought that coming here and discussing about it would be the best way to go, as I don't really know how to call it, and it's better to let people know about it beforehand.

I can manage to tag it myself on existing pics once it is decided, but feel free to help.

Updated by Linicks

Shadowfear said:
I don't really know if this topic should be in this category, sorry if it musn't.

I've found myself liking really "developed" pubes like in post #973202 and post #651011 , and as they apparently don't have a tag (or I am blind and haven't seen it) so I wanted to create one.

I thought that coming here and discussing about it would be the best way to go, as I don't really know how to call it, and it's better to let people know about it beforehand.

I can manage to tag it myself on existing pics once it is decided, but feel free to help.

there is crotch_tuft thru it does seem to be a bit of a mess of everything from thick pubes or exceptionally thick crotch fur to just normal length fur that is simply texturized in the crotch area and other posts that dont show anything at all.

Updated by anonymous

Theres also the term hirsute. But I'm not sure if we use that as a tag.

Updated by anonymous

GDelscribe said:
Theres also the term hirsute. But I'm not sure if we use that as a tag.

to my knowledge that covers dense body hair on the whole body in general, especially in areas where it isnt normally present so it doesnt exactly suit the propose here.

Updated by anonymous

Ruku said:
to my knowledge that covers dense body hair on the whole body in general, especially in areas where it isnt normally present so it doesnt exactly suit the propose here.

I know. But brought It up because in the past, ie 2k7 the community used to use it for furries with pubes and armpit hair. It was reasonable because they already have fur covering their body.

Wasn't sure if we still used it that way.

Updated by anonymous

Ruku said:
there is crotch_tuft thru it does seem to be a bit of a mess of everything from thick pubes or exceptionally thick crotch fur to just normal length fur that is simply texturized in the crotch area and other posts that dont show anything at all.

I don't see why crotch_tuft should be any different from pubic_tuft, and pubic_tuft has been aliased to pubes.

Updated by anonymous

Maxpizzle said:
I don't see why crotch_tuft should be any different from pubic_tuft, and pubic_tuft has been aliased to pubes.

I don't think that pubic_tuft should be aliased as pubes, it's more an implication than an alias.
Here tho, we're talking about something different, this kind of tuft is the pubes equivalent of huge_penis to penises, but the later is considered a valid standalone tag, so why not ?

Considering the logic, it could be called "Huge_crotch_tuft" or something.

Updated by anonymous

Maxpizzle said:
I don't see why crotch_tuft should be any different from pubic_tuft, and pubic_tuft has been aliased to pubes.

Dont ether thru i also dont see why pubic_tuft was aliased to pubes in the first place, implication would have been better.

far as i see it pubic tuft and pubes are 2 visually different things that is also the subject of this OP in a way.

Pubes(loose hair):
post #980031 post #935396 post #940667 post #498978

pubic_tuft/ crotch_tuft(dense bunches of hair/fur):
post #977409 post #975570 post #946008 post #871055

Updated by anonymous

Ruku said: ~snip

Exactly ! I really don't understand why it is that way since they really are two different things.

Updated by anonymous

also, what should I wait for to start tagging ? do we need admin approval or just reach some kind of agreement ?

Updated by anonymous

Whenever you like. (Sometimes it is even better to not let others know you made a new tag.) For name suggestion, maybe bushy_pubes. Some weird people use bush to tag pubes after all.

Updated by anonymous

ZaSigma4 said:
Whenever you like. (Sometimes it is even better to not let others know you made a new tag.) For name suggestion, maybe bushy_pubes. Some weird people use bush to tag pubes after all.

that works for me, I'll start tagging soon (damn, 190 or so pages to review, that will be long)

Updated by anonymous

I really agree that pubic_tuft should never have been aliased to pubes.... doing so basically eliminated a rather unique feature that isn't necessarily described by plain old "pubes".

I was actually just sort of internally lamenting this a couple days ago when trying to search for something specific.

An implication there would have really been the better way to go - would be pretty sweet if we could get that alias removed and changed out to an implication... Or otherwise some kind of tag would be nice for finding furries with a large bush/tuft of pubic-fur, as opposed to being forced to use "pubes" for everything which could potentially pull up a little tiny trimmed strip of pubic hair instead - something honestly totally different.

Updated by anonymous

Crispix said:
I really agree that pubic_tuft should never have been aliased to pubes.... doing so basically eliminated a rather unique feature that isn't necessarily described by plain old "pubes".

I was actually just sort of internally lamenting this a couple days ago when trying to search for something specific.

An implication there would have really been the better way to go - would be pretty sweet if we could get that alias removed and changed out to an implication... Or otherwise some kind of tag would be nice for finding furries with a large bush/tuft of pubic-fur, as opposed to being forced to use "pubes" for everything which could potentially pull up a little tiny trimmed strip of pubic hair instead - something honestly totally different.

Then perhaps an implication would be in place for the new tag? Imply bushy_pube >> pube

Updated by anonymous

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