Yesterday, I tried to implicate m'ress to star_trek_the_animated_series, since she's a character from there, but I was told by the server that the implication already exists. However, I just uploaded an M'ress pic, but intentionally left off the STAS tag to test it, only it didn't imply STAS in spite of my including the character's name.
On another issue, comet is currently set up as an artist tag, but as far as I can see there's nothing for the astronomical body beyond the "comet_(astronomy)" I just made now to keep from getting it confused with the artist, in this post.
The "(astronomy)" tag is a bit clunky to me, so is there a better alternative? There's shooting_star, but that's not the same thing, likewise asteroid (though at least post #200957 treats them as interchangeable, even if they're not).
Updated by Furrin Gok