Topic: Characters with pretty eyes

Posted under Art Talk

Hey people!

I'm wanting to look at some characters with especially pretty eyes.

post #875636

Pretty is subjective of course. I prefer more feminine eyes, but I'm happy to see anything you have!

I also wonder what gives the eyes that sparkly glow. I really like those kind of eyes. I'm trying to get into coloring/lighting/shading myself but I'm quite novice.

Updated by Melissa R

*cough* post #861532
*cough again* . Also, because I get paranoid, this is not my character, just one of the various rodents I really like.

Updated by anonymous

I don't know if they count as pretty, but I'm drawn to this Mightyena's eyes. Really her whole face is absolutely adorable.

post #902582

Color is nice on these. Also very feminine:

post #735808

Then I guess...

post #65161

Dunno if any of those appeal to you.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I think you gave the wrong link. That's to make a set, not to view one that already exists.

It's the correct link. What I didn't say is that someone should make a new set, add all images like this, and name it "Characters with pretty eyes"

Updated by anonymous

leomole said:
post #909356
Does anyone know what species this is? How do you tell?

It looks a lot like post #843622 which is feline. My first guess was canine.

Easiest thing to do would be confirm the character's name and check that character's posts.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Lance_Armstrong said:
Easiest thing to do would be confirm the character's name and check that character's posts.

That's what I usually do but the source doesn't mention the character.

Furrin_Gok said:
Going by the ears, that's a Fennec fox.

Sure let's go with that. Thanks!

Updated by anonymous

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