Topic: Personal Life Pro Tips

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Share helpful tips that you've discovered on your own.

I used to take 20-30 minute showers, but I've cut that time to under 10 minutes with THIS ONE TRICK: I record videos of myself taking showers. Oddly enough, singing and dancing for a camera helps me focus on actually showering, instead of staring at a wall and thinking about random things.

Updated by treos

Talking to yourself can help you organize your own thoughts, especially before legitimate conversations (text or otherwise).

Updated by anonymous

Before shaving, soak a towel or washcloth in as hot of water as is comfortable, wring, and apply until cool. This does wonders for softening your hair and skin, and is very relaxing.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Don't set your alarm clock at 5 minutes before you have to get up, but like half an hour before you have to get up. This way you will have an easier time to wake up and get physically and mentally prepared for the day. Just be sure not to fall asleep again.

Updated by anonymous

Take physical notes on paper or word programs of any ideas you may have pop into your head.

For example, if an art idea enters your mind, make a note of it.

Updated by anonymous

Stabbing yourself with a knife is a great way to remind yourself to keep your mind on what you're doing, and is also very effective at waking yourself up.

Updated by anonymous

Don't say more than is needed, and in stressful and difficult situations keep your mouth shut as much as possible.

Updated by anonymous

as long as your nice, friendly, and don't go there just to stir up trouble, you may find that you really aren't required to read the rules of every forum/site you visit as that's generally what they amount to.

i don't think i've ever read the rules or ToU of any site ever. and yet, i've probably only been banned from...3-4 places over the years (not for reasons related to the rules mind you).

i said one wrong sentence once and that got me. >.> sensitive much?

Punji said:
Don't say more than is needed, and in stressful and difficult situations keep your mouth shut as much as possible.

yeah...that's me whenever a particularly hot or otherwise sensitive topic comes up here. i try to just be a silent observer if i have nothing worth adding.

Updated by anonymous

Say absolutely nothing at all times as long as it's possible/convenient

don't get your hopes up, whatever the cost

relationships are nothing but trouble and a neural hiccup at best

most importantly of all, you can only rely on yourself, and know that if bad things happen then you're not good enough

Updated by anonymous

If someone is making you angry, just ignore them. They are usually just out to get a reaction out of you, don't give them the satisfaction of a reaction.

Updated by anonymous

Queen_Tyr'ahnee said:
If someone is making you angry, just ignore them. They are usually just out to get a reaction out of you, murder them in their sleep

Updated by anonymous

Pro nature tips:

Avoiding bee stings

If a bee or wasp flies by you, the worst thing you can do is freak out and run away (naturally, this is exactly what most people do). Sudden movement provokes them. You can calmly walk away or shoo them away if you need to, though you need to be careful when trying this with wasps.
If you're allergic to bee stings, don't wear perfume and avoid striped or dark-colored clothing while hiking. Hell, never wear perfume when hiking, it makes all sorts of animals unhappy.
Try not to just kill any stinging insect you see. Not only will they generally leave you alone if you don't mess with them- the outdoors aren't anyone's personal property anyway- but bee and wasps' bodies contain attack pheromones that are released when they are crushed.

Also, if you are stung by a bee, its stinger will be torn out and remain in your body. Remove it with a knife or flat edge, like a credit card, as it secretes venom and pulling on it with your fingers will inject more before you get it out. If you are stung by a wasp, get out of there because it might sting again.

Animal encounters

If an animal is ever unhappy with you, be it a bear, a dog, or what have you, never, ever, run away unless it's already hurt you. Even if it charges, there is a chance it will cease and back off if you stand your ground. You're not going to outrun any uninjured animal at close range, so that's a better chance than you'd have if you bolted.

Don't ever sneak up on animals. Try to make noise or they will be suspicious if they detect you (which is likely).


Always exercise situational awareness. Don't skimp on your head-checks, especially in cities or when approaching intersections. That being said, in an emergency situation, you may not have time to perform a head check and make a safe lane transition before you get out of the way, so always try to keep a mental picture of surrounding traffic.

Stay the fuck away from peoples' blind spots. Do not ever match the speed of the driver next to you if you can avoid it. You're not the fucking Blue Angels, here. If it means going over or under the speed limit, then do it, because that's still safer than the alternative, unless traffic is backed up in every lane.

Be especially careful around intersections because that's where the vast majority of accidents occur. Don't be scared of driving on the highway. You may see more accidents there but that's just because you cover a far greater distance. Your actual odds of hitting anyone there are very low.

Updated by anonymous

My favored idea, I guess, is "Make everything into practice." (just remember to keep variety in *what* you practice). Example at the bottom of this post.

HotUnderTheCollar said:
Don't set your alarm clock at 5 minutes before you have to get up, but like half an hour before you have to get up. This way you will have an easier time to wake up and get physically and mentally prepared for the day. Just be sure not to fall asleep again.

Similar for me, but I also review the procedure of what I'm gonna do in the morning, on the previous night (ie. I review it once in the night, and once in the morning). Having it laid out step by step overcomes the ugh.

GameManiac said:
Take physical notes on paper or word programs of any ideas you may have pop into your head.

For example, if an art idea enters your mind, make a note of it.

Related: use a personal wiki software like Zim instead of text editor/word processor. It's better at keeping your mind organized. Something like TreeSheets [1] may be better for blueprint/design type stuff (high information density)

[1] Disclaimer: The only program really like TreeSheets I've found is TreeSheets ;)

Even though I do use those programs, I still take notes on paper. But I view that as an artistic/design warmup (write in straight lines without any guidelines, write evenly sized, with good "color", kerning, character spacing, and line spacing. Try to layout in a way that conveys the idea with maximum clarity) more than anything.

Updated by anonymous

Potassium nitrate and sugar heated and mixed together will make excellent homemade smoke grenades.

Updated by anonymous

HotUnderTheCollar said:
Don't set your alarm clock at 5 minutes before you have to get up, but like half an hour before you have to get up. This way you will have an easier time to wake up and get physically and mentally prepared for the day. Just be sure not to fall asleep again.

This is great for us non-morning-people.
I set (3) distinct alarms around 15 minutes apart,
say 8:30, 8:45, then 9:00, should I wish to actually get out of bed for nine.

Snooze bars just do not quite cut it sometimes ...

Updated by anonymous

Stay active and do not sit for too long. Exercise keeps the body healthy. Even just walking around can help a lot.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Sharp_Coyote said:
Snooze bars just do not quite cut it sometimes...

I never ever use(d) the snooze function. I used to just get up, albeit with reluctance. Now I wake up 30-40 minutes in advance and I'm oke each morning.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Stay active and do not sit for too long. Exercise keeps the body healthy. Even just walking around can help a lot.

quite true, cute, dapper, fluffy thing.

i'd say more but it's now bed time for me. maybe later

Updated by anonymous

Eat something every 10-15 minutes.

Even if its something tiny like 3-5 skittles or half a granola bar. It'll keep your weight down. It's the only reason I remain under 100 pounds at all times. I've tested it many times I always start to gain weight if I stop eating something small every few minutes.

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
Eat something every 10-15 minutes.

Even if its something tiny like 3-5 skittles or half a granola bar. It'll keep your weight down. It's the only reason I remain under 100 pounds at all times. I've tested it many times I always start to gain weight if I stop eating something small every few minutes.

That sounds like you have metabolic problems, honestly. Have you sought medical advice about that?

(also I guess you meant 100 kilos; 100 pounds(=45 kg) is pretty underweight unless you're really short)

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
That sounds like you have metabolic problems, honestly. Have you sought medical advice about that?

(also I guess you meant 100 kilos; 100 pounds(=45 kg) is pretty underweight unless you're really short)

I'm somewhere near 5' 5" something like that.

And no I don't believe it's a metabolic problem specifically with me. I've recommended doing the same thing to overweight family members and friends they've all gotten the same results I have of losing weight rather quickly.

Personally, I don't work out/run/jog/am active. I do a LOT of gaming and this is the only trick I've found that keeps my body weight down while allowing me to play the games as much as I do. Every person I've recommended this tactic too they've started to lose weight so I don't believe its just me.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Pro nature tips:

Avoiding bee stings

If a bee or wasp flies by you, the worst thing you can do is freak out and run away (naturally, this is exactly what most people do). Sudden movement provokes them. You can calmly walk away or shoo them away if you need to, though you need to be careful when trying this with wasps.
If you're allergic to bee stings, don't wear perfume and avoid striped or dark-colored clothing while hiking. Hell, never wear perfume when hiking, it makes all sorts of animals unhappy.
Try not to just kill any stinging insect you see. Not only will they generally leave you alone if you don't mess with them- the outdoors aren't anyone's personal property anyway- but bee and wasps' bodies contain attack pheromones that are released when they are crushed.

Also, if you are stung by a bee, its stinger will be torn out and remain in your body. Remove it with a knife or flat edge, like a credit card, as it secretes venom and pulling on it with your fingers will inject more before you get it out. If you are stung by a wasp, get out of there because it might sting again.

Animal encounters

If an animal is ever unhappy with you, be it a bear, a dog, or what have you, never, ever, run away unless it's already hurt you. Even if it charges, there is a chance it will cease and back off if you stand your ground. You're not going to outrun any uninjured animal at close range, so that's a better chance than you'd have if you bolted.

Don't ever sneak up on animals. Try to make noise or they will be suspicious if they detect you (which is likely).


Always exercise situational awareness. Don't skimp on your head-checks, especially in cities or when approaching intersections. That being said, in an emergency situation, you may not have time to perform a head check and make a safe lane transition before you get out of the way, so always try to keep a mental picture of surrounding traffic.

Stay the fuck away from peoples' blind spots. Do not ever match the speed of the driver next to you if you can avoid it. You're not the fucking Blue Angels, here. If it means going over or under the speed limit, then do it, because that's still safer than the alternative, unless traffic is backed up in every lane.

Be especially careful around intersections because that's where the vast majority of accidents occur. Don't be scared of driving on the highway. You may see more accidents there but that's just because you cover a far greater distance. Your actual odds of hitting anyone there are very low.

Wow. You are so wise. Thanks sincerely for this wisdom. It's more useful to me than you may know.

TheHuskyK9 said:
Stay active and do not sit for too long. Exercise keeps the body healthy. Even just walking around can help a lot.

Welp. I guess it's time to get off the internet now.

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
I'm somewhere near 5' 5" something like that.

And no I don't believe it's a metabolic problem specifically with me. I've recommended doing the same thing to overweight family members and friends they've all gotten the same results I have of losing weight rather quickly.

Personally, I don't work out/run/jog/am active. I do a LOT of gaming and this is the only trick I've found that keeps my body weight down while allowing me to play the games as much as I do. Every person I've recommended this tactic too they've started to lose weight so I don't believe its just me.

huh, interesting

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
I'm somewhere near 5' 5" something like that.

And no I don't believe it's a metabolic problem specifically with me. I've recommended doing the same thing to overweight family members and friends they've all gotten the same results I have of losing weight rather quickly.

Personally, I don't work out/run/jog/am active. I do a LOT of gaming and this is the only trick I've found that keeps my body weight down while allowing me to play the games as much as I do. Every person I've recommended this tactic too they've started to lose weight so I don't believe its just me.

how dafuq

Updated by anonymous

@Cynosure: @savageorange: @treos: @Ryuzaki Izawa:

IIRC It's because of the way your body adjusts to your eating habits. If you eat infrequently, like 3 medium/big meals a day, your body gets used to the fact that it won't be fed again for a while so it stores more fat to tide it over, and if you eat lots of little things it gets used to being constantly fed so won't store as much fat.

Updated by anonymous

DragonFox69 said:
@Cynosure: @savageorange: @treos: @Ryuzaki Izawa:

IIRC It's because of the way your body adjusts to your eating habits. If you eat infrequently, like 3 medium/big meals a day, your body gets used to the fact that it won't be fed again for a while so it stores more fat to tide it over, and if you eat lots of little things it gets used to being constantly fed so won't store as much fat.

hmmm...makes sense to me.

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
I'm somewhere near 5' 5" something like that.

Yeah, you are underweight. Not by as much as I thought , actually, but still a significant amount; 15 pounds minimum.

And no I don't believe it's a metabolic problem specifically with me. I've recommended doing the same thing to overweight family members and friends they've all gotten the same results I have of losing weight rather quickly.

If you'd included that in the previous post, it would have made it a lot more credible :)

DragonFox69 said:
@Cynosure: @savageorange: @treos: @Ryuzaki Izawa:

IIRC It's because of the way your body adjusts to your eating habits. If you eat infrequently, like 3 medium/big meals a day, your body gets used to the fact that it won't be fed again for a while so it stores more fat to tide it over, and if you eat lots of little things it gets used to being constantly fed so won't store as much fat.

That implies that the number of calories you are gaining through constant snacking is less than what you get out of the 3 meals a day
(at least I think so; that fat can't come from nowhere)

Personally I've found that reducing total amount of food and drinking more (rain)water helps me to focus better.I'm increasingly aware of how different foods affect my mood (eg. too much acidic food makes me irritable and nervy).

"Drink more water" is probably good general advice. Most people are under-hydrated, as far as I know.
(Especially true where I live, Australia ;)

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
"Drink more water" is probably good general advice. Most people are under-hydrated, as far as I know.
(Especially true where I live, Australia ;)

I should have mentioned it earlier.
You're absolutely right about most people. Gonna say something that isn't pleasant but it's important; if your urine is yellow at all, you are partially dehydrated. You're only properly hydrated if it looks almost like water.

You also don't become thirsty immediately upon becoming dehydrated, you become thirsty quite a bit past that point.

There are so many issues that are commonly caused by dehydration that it's almost easier to list the bodily problems that dehydration doesn't ever cause.

That said, be careful not to overhydrate yourself. It can happen. Too much water can be toxic. But you probably don't have to worry about this unless you're sweating a lot.

Still, you should never go on a trip without a bottle or canteen of water. Indispensable tool.

Updated by anonymous

The only LPT I can think of that's really good advice for most people is, "don't buy a product the day you learn about it".

Gives you time to consider whether or not you really should be spending the money, gives you time to consider whether you really want the product or if it was just impulsiveness, inoculates you against many shady marketing techniques, and gives you time to look up and see what others have said about the product (especially for games and the like).

Updated by anonymous

check reviews for a video game your looking to buy if you don't already know how good it is. i'm not saying you should rely entirely on what other people say all the time but it can serve as a cautionary measure some times.

example: i was at wal-mart once and bought a copy of Escape from Dead Island for xbox 360 only to later check it out online and find that i had accidentally bought one of, if not, the worst games of the year! :(

an alternative may be to check screenshots of the game in question. these precautionary measures may help you avoid buying a real stinker like i did that time.

Updated by anonymous

Oh yeah, also don't forget to clean inside your ears. Believe it or not, I'm seeing more and more peeps getting ear infections thanks to too much ear wax buildup and that can lead to loss of hearing. Keep your ears clean so you can hear clean

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
check reviews for a video game your looking to buy if you don't already know how good it is. i'm not saying you should rely entirely on what other people say all the time but it can serve as a cautionary measure some times.

example: i was at wal-mart once and bought a copy of Escape from Dead Island for xbox 360 only to later check it out online and find that i had accidentally bought one of, if not, the worst games of the year! :(

an alternative may be to check screenshots of the game in question. these precautionary measures may help you avoid buying a real stinker like i did that time.

I'm gonna agree with that one hundred percent, but not just to that, but to most purchasable entertainment items, and free games that allow you to purchase things for an edge over the others. As made on my topic for iPhone games, I like specific genres and hate PvP, so reading reviews on how people felt the game was is a godsend, before actually installing said game. I can use for instances, but Treos sums it up pretty much: RESEARCH before you BUY.

Updated by anonymous

When you conduct reconnaissance do not go directly in the direction you’re headed. It’s a good idea to travel in another direction and then perform a zigzag with many changes of direction. Make the enemy track you and not be able to run in a straight line to your team. Even crossing your own tracks allows your team to see whether they are being tracked. Another extremely important tip is to never go back the way you came. The consequences could be deadly.

Updated by anonymous

Niggers - Whiteys
Chocolate - Vanilla
Love - Hate
Existence - Void
Taoism (Nature) - "Non-Nature" ("Against-Tao")

Zen is a shitty excuse for Tao.

Zazen is practiced by niggers who exist and eat chocolate, and hate whiteys because they love vanilla, and are void inside the head because of Taoism.


Something I wrote up at 3AM, just because.

Updated by anonymous

RubisDrake said:
Niggers - Whiteys
Chocolate - Vanilla
Love - Hate
Existence - Void
Taoism (Nature) - "Non-Nature" ("Against-Tao")

Zen is a shitty excuse for Tao.

Zazen is practiced by niggers who exist and eat chocolate, and hate whiteys because they love vanilla, and are void inside the head because of Taoism.


Something I wrote up at 3AM, just because.

Hi Terry

Updated by anonymous

RubisDrake said:
Niggers - Whiteys
Chocolate - Vanilla
Love - Hate
Existence - Void
Taoism (Nature) - "Non-Nature" ("Against-Tao")

Zen is a shitty excuse for Tao.

Zazen is practiced by niggers who exist and eat chocolate, and hate whiteys because they love vanilla, and are void inside the head because of Taoism.


Something I wrote up at 3AM, just because.

What the actual fridge

Updated by anonymous

RubisDrake said:

Zen is a shitty excuse for Tao.

There's less of a distinction than you'd think - you should compare the Shōbōgenzō to things like the Huainanzi

Updated by anonymous

RubisDrake said:
Niggers - Whiteys

Actually, the term is Crackers, according to the stories I've read where racism is included. It doesn't feel like it would be as powerful of an insult, but that's the one that was used against white people.

Updated by anonymous

RubisDrake said:
Niggers - Whiteys
Chocolate - Vanilla
Love - Hate
Existence - Void
Taoism (Nature) - "Non-Nature" ("Against-Tao")

Zen is a shitty excuse for Tao.

Zazen is practiced by niggers who exist and eat chocolate, and hate whiteys because they love vanilla, and are void inside the head because of Taoism.


Something I wrote up at 3AM, just because.

You mean something you wrote because you're an edgy 12 year old?

Furrin_Gok said:
Actually, the term is Crackers, according to the stories I've read where racism is included. It doesn't feel like it would be as powerful of an insult, but that's the one that was used against white people.

There's nothing powerful about the word nigger. It's just a play on the word negro it's those babies that get all bent out of shape about it that make it seem like a big deal.

ps. I'm waiting for someone to report me for quoting the word "nigger" even though I'm black and not using it as hate speech. Because that's just how people on this site are lol

Updated by anonymous

I'm willing to report you for perpetuating a blatant thread-derailment.

Had an alright thing going til this.

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
I'm willing to report you for perpetuating a blatant thread-derailment.

Had an alright thing going til this.

Dont worry i got more life tips for yalls

TEMPLE - A very susceptible vital spot. If struck with sufficient force, may cause unconsciousness or death.
2. NASION - This is the summit of the nose. If struck with sufficient force may cause death.
3. PHILTRUM - This is the area between the upper lip and the bottom of the nose. Attack to this area may also cause unconsciousness or death.
4. HOOK TO JAW - A powerful hook punch to the front side of jaw may snap an enemy's neck. Fatal.
5. ADAM'S APPLE - A sharp blow here may cause enemy to asphyxiate.
6. SOLAR PLEXUS - The small of back. May cause death.
7. TESTICLES - The strong, focused pain of a vicious low blow may cause shock, resulting in death.
8. BASE OF CEREBELLUM - A powerful blow to the nape of the neck, causing mortal damage.
9. COCCYX - A powerful blow to the tail bone. Fatal.
10. FULL NELSON - Stand behind the enemy, put your arms under his, and lock your hands behind his head. Bending the neck forward may either break neck, asphyxiate enemy, or cut of supply of spinal fluid to brain, causing brain damage or death.
11. HALF NELSON - Again, standing behind enemy, but one arm is used to pin one of enemy's arms.
12. BRAIN BUSTER - Bend enemy over towards you, placing him in a headlock. Grab the back of his belt, and haul him into the air, vertical, upside-down. Allow yourself to fall backward, landing on your enemy's head, which will absorb your combined weight. Most effective on concrete or gravel.
13. RUSSIAN OMELET - Cross enemy's legs. Fold enemy by pinning his shoulders to ground upside-down and placing his legs above him. Sit on his legs, folding the bass of the spine. Fatal.
14. HEART PUNCH - A strongman's attack, it is simply a powerful blow to the heart. (Many years ago, the wrestler Ox killed an opposing wrestler with this attack.)
15. UPPERCUT - An upward strike to the bottom of the jaw with the heel of the hand, causing the enemy's head to snap backward. May shatter vertebrae. Fatal.
16. ABDOMEN - A substantial blow to this area may rupture a vital organ, causing death.
17. RIB CAGE - A vicious shattering of the rib cage may cause grave internal bleeding.
18. HEAD-TO-WALL PUNCH - A swift, hard, cold-cock punch to an enemy's face while he is standing near a wall may drive his head into it, causing the back of the skull to shatter fatally.
19. PINNED DROP KICK - Standing behind enemy, holding his arms straight back. A drop kick to the back without releasing arms may severe spine, causing death.
20. HEAD WRENCH - Grabbing an enemy's head by the mouth and the back of the skull, then twisting with a sudden, violent jerk to rend vertebrae, may easily cause death.
21. CHOKE HOLD - Once a favorite of law enforcement officials, has often proved deadly. The right arm goes over the enemy's right shoulder, and grips the back of the head. The left arm comes over his left shoulder, reaches across neck, and grabs own right forearm. With enough pressure applied, causes brain damage or death.
22. HEAD YANK - Bend enemy forward, grab head, and pull back with convincing force. May separate delicate vertebrae, causing death.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
Dont worry i got more life tips for yalls

TEMPLE - A very susceptible vital spot. If struck with sufficient force, may cause unconsciousness or death.
2. NASION - This is the summit of the nose. If struck with sufficient force may cause death.
3. PHILTRUM - This is the area between the upper lip and the bottom of the nose. Attack to this area may also cause unconsciousness or death.
4. HOOK TO JAW - A powerful hook punch to the front side of jaw may snap an enemy's neck. Fatal.
5. ADAM'S APPLE - A sharp blow here may cause enemy to asphyxiate.
6. SOLAR PLEXUS - The small of back. May cause death.
7. TESTICLES - The strong, focused pain of a vicious low blow may cause shock, resulting in death.
8. BASE OF CEREBELLUM - A powerful blow to the nape of the neck, causing mortal damage.
9. COCCYX - A powerful blow to the tail bone. Fatal.
10. FULL NELSON - Stand behind the enemy, put your arms under his, and lock your hands behind his head. Bending the neck forward may either break neck, asphyxiate enemy, or cut of supply of spinal fluid to brain, causing brain damage or death.
11. HALF NELSON - Again, standing behind enemy, but one arm is used to pin one of enemy's arms.
12. BRAIN BUSTER - Bend enemy over towards you, placing him in a headlock. Grab the back of his belt, and haul him into the air, vertical, upside-down. Allow yourself to fall backward, landing on your enemy's head, which will absorb your combined weight. Most effective on concrete or gravel.
13. RUSSIAN OMELET - Cross enemy's legs. Fold enemy by pinning his shoulders to ground upside-down and placing his legs above him. Sit on his legs, folding the bass of the spine. Fatal.
14. HEART PUNCH - A strongman's attack, it is simply a powerful blow to the heart. (Many years ago, the wrestler Ox killed an opposing wrestler with this attack.)
15. UPPERCUT - An upward strike to the bottom of the jaw with the heel of the hand, causing the enemy's head to snap backward. May shatter vertebrae. Fatal.
16. ABDOMEN - A substantial blow to this area may rupture a vital organ, causing death.
17. RIB CAGE - A vicious shattering of the rib cage may cause grave internal bleeding.
18. HEAD-TO-WALL PUNCH - A swift, hard, cold-cock punch to an enemy's face while he is standing near a wall may drive his head into it, causing the back of the skull to shatter fatally.
19. PINNED DROP KICK - Standing behind enemy, holding his arms straight back. A drop kick to the back without releasing arms may severe spine, causing death.
20. HEAD WRENCH - Grabbing an enemy's head by the mouth and the back of the skull, then twisting with a sudden, violent jerk to rend vertebrae, may easily cause death.
21. CHOKE HOLD - Once a favorite of law enforcement officials, has often proved deadly. The right arm goes over the enemy's right shoulder, and grips the back of the head. The left arm comes over his left shoulder, reaches across neck, and grabs own right forearm. With enough pressure applied, causes brain damage or death.
22. HEAD YANK - Bend enemy forward, grab head, and pull back with convincing force. May separate delicate vertebrae, causing death.

How I remember: The filtrum is where the spiltrum flows.

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
I'm willing to report you for perpetuating a blatant thread-derailment.

Had an alright thing going til this.

nothing stopping you bro, go right ahead. I said what I wanted.

and pro tip. Don't warn someone before you report them. It comes off as more a slap in the face if they don't see it coming.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
Dont worry i got more life tips for yalls

TEMPLE - A very susceptible vital spot. If struck with sufficient force, may cause unconsciousness or death.
2. NASION - This is the summit of the nose. If struck with sufficient force may cause death.
3. PHILTRUM - This is the area between the upper lip and the bottom of the nose. Attack to this area may also cause unconsciousness or death.
4. HOOK TO JAW - A powerful hook punch to the front side of jaw may snap an enemy's neck. Fatal.
5. ADAM'S APPLE - A sharp blow here may cause enemy to asphyxiate.
6. SOLAR PLEXUS - The small of back. May cause death.
7. TESTICLES - The strong, focused pain of a vicious low blow may cause shock, resulting in death.
8. BASE OF CEREBELLUM - A powerful blow to the nape of the neck, causing mortal damage.
9. COCCYX - A powerful blow to the tail bone. Fatal.
10. FULL NELSON - Stand behind the enemy, put your arms under his, and lock your hands behind his head. Bending the neck forward may either break neck, asphyxiate enemy, or cut of supply of spinal fluid to brain, causing brain damage or death.
11. HALF NELSON - Again, standing behind enemy, but one arm is used to pin one of enemy's arms.
12. BRAIN BUSTER - Bend enemy over towards you, placing him in a headlock. Grab the back of his belt, and haul him into the air, vertical, upside-down. Allow yourself to fall backward, landing on your enemy's head, which will absorb your combined weight. Most effective on concrete or gravel.
13. RUSSIAN OMELET - Cross enemy's legs. Fold enemy by pinning his shoulders to ground upside-down and placing his legs above him. Sit on his legs, folding the bass of the spine. Fatal.
14. HEART PUNCH - A strongman's attack, it is simply a powerful blow to the heart. (Many years ago, the wrestler Ox killed an opposing wrestler with this attack.)
15. UPPERCUT - An upward strike to the bottom of the jaw with the heel of the hand, causing the enemy's head to snap backward. May shatter vertebrae. Fatal.
16. ABDOMEN - A substantial blow to this area may rupture a vital organ, causing death.
17. RIB CAGE - A vicious shattering of the rib cage may cause grave internal bleeding.
18. HEAD-TO-WALL PUNCH - A swift, hard, cold-cock punch to an enemy's face while he is standing near a wall may drive his head into it, causing the back of the skull to shatter fatally.
19. PINNED DROP KICK - Standing behind enemy, holding his arms straight back. A drop kick to the back without releasing arms may severe spine, causing death.
20. HEAD WRENCH - Grabbing an enemy's head by the mouth and the back of the skull, then twisting with a sudden, violent jerk to rend vertebrae, may easily cause death.
21. CHOKE HOLD - Once a favorite of law enforcement officials, has often proved deadly. The right arm goes over the enemy's right shoulder, and grips the back of the head. The left arm comes over his left shoulder, reaches across neck, and grabs own right forearm. With enough pressure applied, causes brain damage or death.
22. HEAD YANK - Bend enemy forward, grab head, and pull back with convincing force. May separate delicate vertebrae, causing death.

Or just shoot them.
I guess that's my hot tip of the day.

Updated by anonymous

Don't give a mouse a cookie, it just escalates from there.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
I should have mentioned it earlier.
You're absolutely right about most people. Gonna say something that isn't pleasant but it's important; if your urine is yellow at all, you are partially dehydrated. You're only properly hydrated if it looks almost like water.

You also don't become thirsty immediately upon becoming dehydrated, you become thirsty quite a bit past that point.

There are so many issues that are commonly caused by dehydration that it's almost easier to list the bodily problems that dehydration doesn't ever cause.

That said, be careful not to overhydrate yourself. It can happen. Too much water can be toxic. But you probably don't have to worry about this unless you're sweating a lot.

Still, you should never go on a trip without a bottle or canteen of water. Indispensable tool.

almost entirely wrong, please stop perpetuating these myths. Drink when you're thirsty, people.

Unless you live in Delhi right about now you shouldn't have much to worry about staying hydrated. I'd focus more on telling people to stop drinking soda.

Updated by anonymous

Dragonlayer said:
almost entirely wrong, please stop perpetuating these myths. Drink when you're thirsty, people.

Unless you live in Delhi right about now you shouldn't have much to worry about staying hydrated. I'd focus more on telling people to stop drinking soda.

Hm. I'm almost perpetually dehydrated if I only drink when I'm thirsty, so I'd get headaches. I run a lot, though.
I'm not saying you need to drink until you throw up but a glass of water to start and end the day, even if it doesn't feel like I need it, has never caused me any trouble.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Do tell.

Soda is fill of all sorts of unhealthy shit and it's all bad calories and sugar.

Doesn't stop me from drinking atleast one a day

Updated by anonymous

Unpredictability is paramount, never use the same NDP (Night Defensive Perimeter) twice; never use the same ambush site twice and don’t travel in straight lines. Becoming predictable could be your last mistake. No matter how careful you’ve been, it’s always possible you’ve been compromised and don’t know it. If the enemy can’t predict where you’ll be, he can’t ambush you.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
Soda is fill of all sorts of unhealthy shit and it's all bad calories and sugar.

Doesn't stop me from drinking atleast one a day

bleh, i definitely believe this...yeti still like some soda such as fruit flavored or cream soda and root beer (the good kind like Tubs or Barque's. don't think Barque's has ever changed their recipe which is probably why it's more expensive.).

coca cola and dr. pepper on the other hand? oh gods, give it to me in a glass bottle (when does a glass bottle ever NOT improve the flavor of a soft drink? i really want to know the answer to that question? :/ ). otherwise, keep that toxic waste away from my taste buds. >.< i don't know how my aunt can drink that crap all the time. the flavor is sickening to say the least. i can drink maybe 1 at a time and not often at all.

as for the fruit flavored kind. my aunt sometimes finds this brand called SUMMIT when she goes out of town for grocery shopping (cuz there ain't nothing worthwhile around idabel oklahoma. nothing good anyway.). it's kinda like fruit flavored sprite with no artificial coloring and whatnot. actually, now that i think of it,i wonder if it's better than other brands in regards to being healthier (also, iirc they don't use evil caffeine in their drinks which is good. you really don't need caffeine tbh.).

Rustyy said:
Unpredictability is paramount, never use the same NDP (Night Defensive Perimeter) twice; never use the same ambush site twice and don’t travel in straight lines. Becoming predictable could be your last mistake. No matter how careful you’ve been, it’s always possible you’ve been compromised and don’t know it. If the enemy can’t predict where you’ll be, he can’t ambush you.

hmmm...i'm guessing you either have had time in the military or have studied up on such things rather well.

Updated by anonymous

Scientifically speaking, the more calories you eat, the faster you age. If you want to keep looking young, don't eat as much.

Less Food = Slower Aging

That said, you should still get as many calories as you need to stay healthy. Just don't over eat.

Because Science:

Caloric intake causes the cells of your body to die faster due to the faster release of a compound in your cells that is responsible for both 1- helping mitochondria turn food into energy, and 2- aging on the molecular level. Also, with less calories, your cells shift their function from quickly breaking down energy to preserving the available nutrients in order to just survive, thus further slowing aging because all of this happens on a molecular level. Given all of this, not only do you age slower on the molecular level, but you also age much slower Aesthetically too.

(BTW, I guess that's one of the major reasons people still mistake me as being ~14 even though I am in my 20's. I am a sparse eater since I actually can't afford much food sometimes, and thus even eating something as small as a sandwich is quite alot for me.)

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Scientifically speaking, the more calories you eat, the faster you age. If you want to keep looking young, don't eat as much.

Less Food = Slower Aging

Scientifically speaking, the caloric restriction anti-aging hypothesis is not a certainty:

Kristal_Candeo said:
I guess that's one of the major reasons people still mistake me as being ~14 even though I am in my 20's.

Scientifically speaking, an anecdote is not a reliable data point.

Updated by anonymous

Protip: if you want to live, don't die.

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
Learn how to touch type to save a ridiculous amount of time and more easily think about what you want to type. I don't know how to do it well myself and should have mastered it as an adolescent, but I'm trying to not suck at it.

I don't see why most US schools don't make this required learning.

Also, learn how to use your OS's command line. There are plenty of things that can't be done via GUI. Again, something I should be competent at by now.

Alot of time you can just type 'help' in a CMD and it will give you a list of basic functions. I also wasn't taught touch typing though it was supposed to be part of my curriculum. Over time I've roughly memorized where the keys are and have a decent enough typing speed. I do still have to look down every now and then.

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
Learn how to touch type to save a ridiculous amount of time and more easily think about what you want to type. I don't know how to do it well myself and should have mastered it as an adolescent, but I'm trying to not suck at it.

I don't see why most US schools don't make this required learning.

Also, learn how to use your OS's command line. There are plenty of things that can't be done via GUI. Again, something I should be competent at by now.

Back when I was in like first grade, we got these tutorial keyboards. I would race my classmates to see who could finish the various tests quickest. Guess who won at all of them? Well, not me, because I sucked at numbers, but I won at everything that wasn't numbers!
Then I played Popcap's "Typer Shark" and learned to type even faster. Unfortunately it's only available in "Deluxe" now, and that version is fond of crashing, so I don't recommend it.

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
Alot of time you can just type 'help' in a CMD and it will give you a list of basic functions.

Do you mean CLI (Command line interface)?
If you mean cmd.exe, that's not an acronym, just a filename (presumably a shortening of 'command line')

There are plenty of things that can't be done via GUI.

This is a huge understatement ;) The amount that can be done via CLI is infinite (turing-complete). The amount that can be done via GUI is -extremely- finite (all GUIs are by necessity huge simplifications).

(with the caveat that on windows, the CLI is by default crippled, and you need to use something like Powershell before you get to the level that you have in basic shells for other OSes.)

It's a tradeoff though. Either you want control and pay for it in thinking time, or you want simplicity and pay for it in loss of control.

Updated by anonymous

i just thought a VERY good tip:

never type the word "cheesegrater" into the search bar here at e621. lol the results will...affect you in some way. typically in a negative way, negative and deeply regretful.

if you do do that then you will learn of the most infamous horror on the site.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Scientifically speaking, the caloric restriction anti-aging hypothesis is not a certainty:

Scientifically speaking, an anecdote is not a reliable data point.

This guy.

I like this guy.

Zenti said:
Protip: if you want to live, don't die.

That needs to be in the mindfuck thread.

Updated by anonymous

Zenti said:
Protip: if you want to live, don't die.

Doing well so far, everyone!

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:

you do know that the majority of so-called "life hacks" are in fact common sense and/or more complicated methods of doing easy and simple activities, right? or the tl;dr version might be to avoid the wastes of time known as "life hacks".

oh and i'll skip that video as i prefer not to let my brain rot.

oh yeah, video games don't rot the brain. in fact, they can be educational in a great number of ways even outside the horrid realm of edutainment. :P

crazy fiction (religion, 'nuff said. consider it an opinion if you want to.) and insane ideologies (feminazis, SJWs, etc.), and...what can i say about tumblr that everyone doesn't already know? all 3 of those things DO rot the brain...and potentially zombify you. :/

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
you do know that the majority of so-called "life hacks" are in fact common sense and/or more complicated methods of doing easy and simple activities, right? or the tl;dr version might be to avoid the wastes of time known as "life hacks".

oh and i'll skip that video as i prefer not to let my brain rot.

oh yeah, video games don't rot the brain. in fact, they can be educational in a great number of ways even outside the horrid realm of edutainment. :P

crazy fiction (religion, 'nuff said. consider it an opinion if you want to.) and insane ideologies (feminazis, SJWs, etc.), and...what can i say about tumblr that everyone doesn't already know? all 3 of those things DO rot the brain...and potentially zombify you. :/

those life hack things infuriate me with their stupidity I had insomnia for a while and I saw a life hack for insomnia so I clicked on it out of curiosity and you know what they said, lie in your bed! also I'm happy to see according to you I have a nice fresh brain no crazy fiction no insane ideologies and I've heard of tumbler but honestly I have no idea what it is.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
those life hack things infuriate me with their stupidity I had insomnia for a while and I saw a life hack for insomnia so I clicked on it out of curiosity and you know what they said, lie in your bed!

That's not stupid. It's a lot better rest-wise than getting up and doing stuff, which is a thing that plenty of people do when they have insomnia.

Updated by anonymous

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