Topic: Re:Created an "introduction" page to TWYS in the wiki

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Aurali said:
I think half the problem char is that the user doesn't like being called a dickgirl.. I still think we need to change that term.

I don't like being called a carrot top because I have red hair, you don't see me crying about it. The word is fine, perfectly descriptive, and it didn't originate here so I don't know why all of a sudden we have to be an engine of change for a term a small sliver of the furry population gets their panties in a twist over. It's not even that offensive of a term; it's not like we're calling them dicked_boobfreaks.

Updated by Halite


Former Staff

Aurali said:
I think half the problem char is that the user doesn't like being called a dickgirl.. I still think we need to change that term.

And they didn't suggest a single thing to call them instead when asked what we should call them if not dickgirls.

What word(s) in the English language is the equivalent to "dickgirl" that doesn't also imply something else? (e.g. "MTF" and "FTM" aren't suitable because they imply a CHANGE in gender)

Updated by anonymous

Rocket_Corgi said:
I don't like being called a carrot top because I have red hair, you don't see me crying about it. The word is fine, perfectly descriptive, and it didn't originate here so I don't know why all of a sudden we have to be an engine of change for a term a small sliver of the furry population gets their panties in a twist over. It's not even that offensive of a term; it's not like we're calling them dicked_boobfreaks.

Because in the LGBT community it's considered a slur to humiliate trans-women. and unlike the trans-men, they have chosen not to embrace it. (I can't tell you how many trans men love being called "cuntboy" but not a single trans women likes "dickgirl", I'm sure it's culture related though)

Char said:
And they didn't suggest a single thing to call them instead when asked what we should call them if not dickgirls.

I gave you a few, including a couple of technical terms, a few weeks ago.

Updated by anonymous

But we aren't talking about trans-women when we tag dickgirl.
So how can it possibly be offensive?

It's like calling obnoxious, loud, douchbag motorcyclists faggots, why would a homosexual be offended by that(see southpark episode 12 of season 13 )?

There are people who are offended by being termed "male" or "female" but we still use those tags where we feel they are appropriate.

On top of all that, being "offended" by the term, then turning around and calling me names for my personal sexual preferences make them at best a hypocrite, and at worst someone simply trying to troll.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Because in the LGBT community it's considered a slur to humiliate trans-women. and unlike the trans-men, they have chosen not to embrace it. (I can't tell you how many trans men love being called "cuntboy" but not a single trans women likes "dickgirl", I'm sure it's culture related though)

So, it's just a case of taste? Bollocks! heh, I always wanted to use that word :D

Nah, just kidding. Serious stuff aside, "dickgirl" is a term that has been since forever (afaik). Also Encyclopedia Dramatica (bad source, I know) gives a less offending name: "Boobman" (unless it's a superhero, that uses his huge breasts to fight crime and feed the babies, all on a single day, different each issue. Only ¢99 at your local comics store!)

After looking for synonyms for it I came to the conclusion that we need to make another, less offensive, synonym for "dickgirl". Though we can use:

  • Futa (preferred, more common inside the arting community)

Shim (dunno. Short for "shemale"?)

We need a dicktionary for stuff like this…

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
So, it's just a case of taste? Bollocks! heh, I always wanted to use that word :D

Nah, just kidding. Serious stuff aside, "dickgirl" is a term that has been since forever (afaik). Also Encyclopedia Dramatica (bad source, I know) gives a less offending name: "Boobman" (unless it's a superhero, that uses his huge breasts to fight crime and feed the babies, all on a single day, different each issue. Only ¢99 at your local comics store!)

After looking for synonyms for it I came to the conclusion that we need to make another, less offensive, synonym for "dickgirl". Though we can use:

  • Futa (preferred, more common inside the arting community)

Shim (dunno. Short for "shemale"?)

We need a dicktionary for stuff like this…

Futa can be with or without a vagina, so it's not a good term.
Androgyny is a lack of distinct sexuality, an androgynous person looks either both male and female to the point that making a distinction is impossible, or neither male or female enough to make that distinction.
That's not what we're looking at in this situation.

As for Shim, it's a concatenation of she and him, and it frankly is a made up silly term.
Of course so is dickgirl, but if we're picking between silly made up terms, we may as well use the same one we already use instead of changing.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
As for Shim, it's a concatenation of she and him, and it frankly is a made up silly term.

And so is "xi" when used like it. =~.~=

Updated by anonymous

Dickgirl is fine the way it is, we've used it for eons, the only people getting their panties in a bunch seems to be aura and a VERY Small handful of folks.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
Dickgirl is fine the way it is, we've used it for eons, the only people getting their panties in a bunch seems to be aura and a VERY Small handful of folks.

We changed a lot of things we used to do. <3 for the longest time, it was expected for an administrator to be an ass to the users. But no, I really think it would be better for the site if we did change it, and I am.. really /really/ confused as why people are so adherent on protecting that term.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
We changed a lot of things we used to do. <3 for the longest time, it was expected for an administrator to be an ass to the users. But no, I really think it would be better for the site if we did change it, and I am.. really /really/ confused as why people are so adherent on protecting that term.

Because it works, isn't offensive except to a tiny miniscule handful of people who use this site and you're basically the only one who cares about it this much. You are literally the only person I see who continues to go on about how 'insulting' dickgirl is.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Updated by anonymous

I have my causes, gay marriage, protecting free speech and privacy, fixing the student loan bubble, and ridding vulgar terms from a site that's trying to repair it's reputation?

Rocket_Corgi said:
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

This is the response of someone for some reason /cares/ what it is called. Why do you care so much? What is it about the term dickgirl that's so worth protecting? That you'd risk upsetting people to keep it? Help me understand.

Hammie said:
Futa can be with or without a vagina, so it's not a good term.
Androgyny is a lack of distinct sexuality, an androgynous person looks either both male and female to the point that making a distinction is impossible, or neither male or female enough to make that distinction.
That's not what we're looking at in this situation.

As for Shim, it's a concatenation of she and him, and it frankly is a made up silly term.
Of course so is dickgirl, but if we're picking between silly made up terms, we may as well use the same one we already use instead of changing.

dickgirl goes straight to futanari on wikipedia, and shemale has been around a lot longer then that.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
This is the response of someone for some reason /cares/ what it is called. Why do you care so much? What is it about the term dickgirl that's so worth protecting? That you'd risk upsetting people to keep it? Help me understand.

Ahh, the age old 'well you must care because you're commenting on it' argument that tells me you don't have a very good reason for why we should keep it other than 'it hurts my butt when I see it'.

1) It's perfectly descriptive. It's a girl with a dick. Girldick sounds stupid, Dickgirl is amazingly descriptive of what it's being used for.
2) It's been successfully used on this site for years now without any issues.
3) No one has offered anything better (if you've got suggestions, don't keep them to yourself).

Again, you're the only person who has this big of a problem with it, and you're severely in the minority. If there were tons of people suddenly coming out of the woodwork in support of your stance, I'd be more willing to entertain the thought of changing it, but thus far you're the only one crowing about it.

And in addition, the rare person that I do see complaining about it is doing so not because they find the word dickgirl offensive because they're transgender, but because it's being used on their herm character, and that gets them all riled up.

Updated by anonymous

Rocket_Corgi said:
And in addition, the rare person that I do see complaining about it is doing so not because they find the word dickgirl offensive because they're transgender, but because it's being used on their herm character, and that gets them all riled up.

Indeed, even in this recent comment discussion that resulted in it being brought up again the person seems more upset that we have separate terms for herm and dickgirl and just wants one term that means both.
Not actually offended by the term, just using it as an excuse to further their actual goal.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
Indeed, even in this recent comment discussion that resulted in it being brought up again the person seems more upset that we have separate terms for herm and dickgirl and just wants one term that means both.
Not actually offended by the term, just using it as an excuse to further their actual goal.

I'm sorry guys, but mostly it's off site things that I see that are why it bothers me so much, when I hear dickgirl I hear some racist ass southern guy screaming it at his trans kid while loading a shotgun, and I know I have a few friends who's parents called them that when they came out as trans.. it's a bad word down here for them, and honestly it's their equivalent to the n-word. and to be honest, it just sounds wrong, the sudden stop of the vocals, and switch to a lower tone, it just doesn't feel like a real word. Who made this up anyway? where's the history to it? I mean, I wouldn't care if we replaced it with shemale, at least that's got a history, and is about as offensive as hermaphrodite (I bet you guys didn't know that one was a derogative too ;) don't worry, that one is at least clinical). So really, why keep it.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
I see 10 people complain that their herm character is classified by a tag so vulgar. these people tell people to stay away

These are the same people who will fling their shit everywhere and stomp off to FA and Inkbunny to tell their friends how horrible we are no matter what term you use for it. You cannot please everyone all the time, and you especially cannot please these people. They won't be happy until TWYS is gone, and so will find everything they can to bitch about.

Aurali said:
Funny, how this term never really existed before this site

Bullshit, utter and unadulterated bullshit.

Aurali said:
I gave a ton of suggestions, you also said "No fuck that keep it." Which still makes me wonder what about getting rid of dick girl turns you off so badly? I've seen the people who don't care, they'll go "eh It's always been like this."

So then what are your suggestions? You keep saying that you have them, but I still don't see you tossing them out there. Let's break down the ones I'm sure you'll give us:

Futanari - Technically refers to characters who can possess either just a dick and feminine body characteristics, or characters with both sets of sexual organs and feminine body characteristics. It is not and will never be an acceptable replacement for dickgirl because of this.

Futa - Short for futanari, see above.

Shemale - Is considered extremely offensive towards transgender folks.

Andromorphic-female - Where did you pull this one from? Where is this ever claimed to be a 'scientific term' for this? People are going to look at this and go 'what the fuck is THAT?'. Tags typically have some semblance to what they're being used for, and that is just way out in left field.

And for the record, I've never said 'no fuck that keep it'. Getting rid of dickgirl rubs me the wrong way because you're on this stupid crusade to change it because you personally find it offensive, and you seem to just expect that everyone is going to throw their hands up and go 'oh okay, well then we'll just change it to suit you' because you're doing it under the guise of 'it makes the site look bad to a very small sliver of the furry population'.

Aurali said:
Remember, people don't complain, they leave, I think the old addage is every one person complaining is 9 who don't? and I'll tell you now, when they do complain? they don't complain here no sir.

I'll reiterate what I said above. Some people are going to complain no matter what, and you cannot feasibly expect to make everyone happy all the time over something like this or another tagging issue.

Aurali said:
I'm sorry guys, but mostly it's off site things that I see that are why it bothers me so much, when I hear dickgirl I hear some racist ass southern guy screaming it at his trans kid while loading a shotgun, and I know I have a few friends who's parents called them that when they came out as trans.. it's a bad word down here for them, and honestly it's their equivalent to the n-word. and to be honest, it just sounds wrong, the sudden stop of the vocals, and switch to a lower tone, it just doesn't feel like a real word. Who made this up anyway? where's the history to it? I mean, I wouldn't care if we replaced it with shemale, at least that's got a history, and is about as offensive as hermaphrodite (I bet you guys didn't know that one was a derogative too ;) don't worry, that one is at least clinical). So really, why keep it.

Keep it off-site. E6 isn't your soapbox.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
I'm sorry guys, but mostly it's off site things that I see that are why it bothers me so much, when I hear dickgirl I hear some racist ass southern guy screaming it at his trans kid while loading a shotgun, and I know I have a few friends who's parents called them that when they came out as trans.. it's a bad word down here for them, and honestly it's their equivalent to the n-word. and to be honest, it just sounds wrong, the sudden stop of the vocals, and switch to a lower tone, it just doesn't feel like a real word. Who made this up anyway? where's the history to it? I mean, I wouldn't care if we replaced it with shemale, at least that's got a history, and is about as offensive as hermaphrodite (I bet you guys didn't know that one was a derogative too ;) don't worry, that one is at least clinical). So really, why keep it.

There will also be the problem that terms that don't start aus as derogative term will become derogative, if they exist long enough and the people representing that term are despised. This happened to all stages of the word idiocy over the past 60 years.

So, I'm all up for a better term, if we can find one that has some descriptive value and is easy to remember/spell.

Also, we germans have way stranger words than dickgirl.

Updated by anonymous

Last time this discussion happened I came up with "androfem" (andromorphic + female) and a few people liked that idea.

I'll just throw that in again.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYouMobile said:

So, I'm all up for a better term, if we can find one that has some descriptive value and is easy to remember/spell.

Change it to sexymurrfectness. Solved. :3

Updated by anonymous

Seven_Twenty said:
Last time this discussion happened I came up with "androfem" (andromorphic + female)

I'll just throw that in again.

I remember that. <3 about as made up as dickgirl, but it sounds normal.

Rocket_Corgi said: you're on this stupid crusade to change it because you personally find it offensive,

Keep it off-site. E6 isn't your soapbox.

Okay, let me remind you of two simple truths, I'm a lead, I don't /have/ to crusade against anything, In minor cases like this, I'd rather have a discussion about a subject instead of throwing my weight around.

And second, Backseat modding is against the rules.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Okay, let me remind you of two simple truths, I'm a lead, I don't /have/ to crusade against anything, In minor cases like this, I'd rather have a discussion about a subject instead of throwing my weight around.

So basically, you're saying if you have to you're just going to change it if the discussion doesn't go in your favor?

And second, Backseat modding is against the rules.

Not backseat modding, just pointing out that you're showing us that you're using E6 as a soapbox for whatever it is you're talking about with the whole South thing and trans and shotguns and whatever the hell else that whole thing was about. You're showing us that it's not about the site, that it's about something that you personally don't like because of...whatever that was.


Updated by anonymous

Ya know, I have a lot of redneck friends. Going as deep as texas, and as shallow as Missouri, most of them have never even "Heard' of the word dick girl, much less have heard it used as a trasngender slur. Most of them have heard "You queer fuck" as a transgender slur, or some other variation, "Sick fuck freak" so on, and so on.

As it stands, DickGirl is perfectly viable for the type of character its describing, its a chick, with a dick, no intelligence check required for that one, and people shouldn't have ANY trouble describing it, nice, short, sweet, and simple.

And given you tried to outright REMOVE Gender from all tags, aura, before tony shot that idea down, I personally wouldn't trust you near any gender tags, for any reason, personal or not.

Updated by anonymous

Texas isn't the south XD

Rocket_Corgi said:
So basically, you're saying if you have to you're just going to change it if the discussion doesn't go in your favor?

Don't twist my words.

Not backseat modding, just pointing out that you're showing us that you're using E6 as a soapbox for whatever it is you're talking about with the whole

Oh no, you were definitely trying to push the rules on me, otherwise you would have said it differently.

Princess_Celestia said:

And given you tried to outright REMOVE Gender from all tags, aura, before tony shot that idea down, I personally wouldn't trust you near any gender tags, for any reason, personal or not.

I didn't try to remove them, just.. algorithmically adjust them to absolute tag values.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Don't twist my words.

That is, essentially, what you're saying. You're telling me (and by default, everyone else reading this) that you're a lead admin, and you don't need for us to agree with you to change something. It was a pretty thinly-veiled threat.

Oh no, you were definitely trying to push the rules on me, otherwise you would have said it differently.

I'm blunt and straightforward. I'm not going to pussyfoot around with you. You can think that I'm trying to 'push' something on you all you want, but it doesn't change that you've already shown us that you're using the site's public image to crutch up and argument that's based solely on personal feelings and past experiences.

absolute tag values.

No such thing.

Updated by anonymous

Rocket_Corgi said:
That is, essentially, what you're saying. You're telling me (and by default, everyone else reading this) that you're a lead admin, and you don't need for us to agree with you to change something. It was a pretty thinly-veiled threat.

She's not the lead admin, or head-admin, she's a coder, and an admin, but as far as I'm aware tony pretty much out-ranks her in the admin side, and most of the other admins dis-agree with her crusade, it's why it hasn't been changed yet.

Updated by anonymous

Guys and gals, there is only one real thing to say about this. if we find a tag that most people agree with, why shouldn't we switch?

You are currently discussing things as if it is imminent to alias dickgirl away into something else and not as the "what if" scenario this currently is.

Rocket_Corgi said:
No such thing.

Penis is visible, penis is a absolute tag for that picture.
Machine adds gender tag based on existing tags. (in this case only penis, so male)

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYouMobile said:
Penis is visible, penis is a absolute tag for that picture.
Machine adds gender tag based on existing tags. (in this case only penis, so male)

I meant gender-wise. There's almost always a way someone could question a gender tag.

Updated by anonymous

Rocket_Corgi said:
I meant gender-wise. There's almost always a way someone could question a gender tag.

The reason it would be machine assigned based on criteria in the image. Like I said, someone tags penis and nothing else -> male. Something tags pussy+penis -> herm.
At least that is how I understood the explanation.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYouMobile said:
The reason it would be machine assigned based on criteria in the image. Like I said, someone tags penis and nothing else -> male. Something tags pussy+penis -> herm.
At least that is how I understood the explanation.

Yeah, but having a pussy and a penis in an image doesn't automatically mean there's a herm in it. Same thing with penis, it could be attached to...well, let's face it, in the furry fandom pretty much anything.

Updated by anonymous

Rocket_Corgi said:
That is, essentially, what you're saying. You're telling me (and by default, everyone else reading this) that you're a lead admin, and you don't need for us to agree with you to change something. It was a pretty thinly-veiled threat.

Only thing I will say is, if it was an issue I absolutely had to deal with, it would have already been taken care of.

Princess_Celestia said:

She's not the lead admin, or head-admin, she's a coder, and an admin, but as far as I'm aware tony pretty much out-ranks her in the admin side, and most of the other admins dis-agree with her crusade, it's why it hasn't been changed yet.

If you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, don't talk.

Penis is visible, penis is a absolute tag for that picture.
Machine adds gender tag based on existing tags. (in this case only penis, so male)


Rocket_Corgi said:
Yeah, but having a pussy and a penis in an image doesn't automatically mean there's a herm in it. Same thing with penis, it could be attached to...well, let's face it, in the furry fandom pretty much anything.

yeah it does.. tags to create a herm
pussy + boobs + penis

tags to create a male
penis - boobs - pussy

Mechanically, this is infallible.

Updated by anonymous

I will only reiterate that, if the tag changes, I'd greatly prefer "androfem", but I have to respond to this:

Aurali said:
and to be honest, it just sounds wrong, the sudden stop of the vocals, and switch to a lower tone, it just doesn't feel like a real word..

That is the absolute worst reason you've put forward. A geminated consonant with a downward pitch shift is unreal? What? Do you dislike other words with that pattern?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

*sigh* My thread is ruined. :( This was supposed to be a good thread...

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
*sigh* My thread is ruined. :( This was supposed to be a good thread...

*comforts and gives cookies*

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
*sigh* My thread is ruined. :( This was supposed to be a good thread...

Sorry char.

Aurali said:
If you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, don't talk.

I know a lot more about what's going on behind the scenes of E621 then you think I do.

Updated by anonymous

THread has been split.

Princess_Celestia said:
I know a lot more about what's going on behind the scenes of E621 then you think I do.

everything.. you just said.. was wrong..

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
THread has been split.
everything.. you just said.. was wrong..

If you say so, Aura.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
I know a lot more about what's going on behind the scenes of E621 then you think I do.

My sides.

Updated by anonymous

Odd when it shows page 2 but no posts visible. Could be fixed in next update maybe. Odd glitch.

Updated by anonymous

And now I have a warning on my record for trying to explain TWYS.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Odd when it shows page 2 but no posts visible. Could be fixed in next update maybe. Odd glitch.

That wasn't code, that was me doing sql directly from the machine, the bug is me. XD

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
And now I have a warning on my record for trying to explain TWYS.

Seriously?! =>.<=

Aurali said:
That wasn't code, that was me doing sql directly from the machine, the bug is me. XD

"Database corrupted. Facedesk now."

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
THread has been split.
everything.. you just said.. was wrong..

Aura...did you forget that Celestia was an admin?

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
And now I have a warning on my record for trying to explain TWYS.

Don't worry about it. You're still an awesome user.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Aura...did you forget that Celestia was an admin?

I know it's been mentioned to her that I am on the board, am the lead developer, and have never been under Tony.. So all this information otherwise is.. :/

Updated by anonymous

Patch said:
Don't worry about it. You're still an awesome user.

This. More pics. =~.^=

Updated by anonymous

I'm a bit miffed because Char, Aurali, and Ippiki all saw those comments and didn't think I did anything wrong(to be fair, I am assuming that based on their lack of a warning to me).
Then Ratte comes along and gives me a warning over it.
Not sure what issue he has with me, maybe he's still upset about the last time he tried to give me a warning in my user record.

I'm just trying to spread the word about what's good tagging or not.
perfectly in line with the "how to comment" guidelines.
I wish that it had been a civil discussion, but much as I tried to keep it that way I can't control how other people respond to me.
I don't like arguments, I wish they didn't happen here, but when something isn't right I'm not going to ignore it to avoid a possible disagreement.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
I'm a bit miffed because Char, Aurali, and Ippiki all saw those comments and didn't think I did anything wrong(to be fair, I am assuming that based on their lack of a warning to me).
Then Ratte comes along and gives me a warning over it.
Not sure what issue he has with me, maybe he's still upset about the last time he tried to give me a warning in my user record.

I'm just trying to spread the word about what's good tagging or not.
perfectly in line with the "how to comment" guidelines.
I wish that it had been a civil discussion, but much as I tried to keep it that way I can't control how other people respond to me.
I don't like arguments, I wish they didn't happen here, but when something isn't right I'm not going to ignore it to avoid a possible disagreement.

Represent dem Privileged members dude, REPRESENT

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:

She's not the lead admin, or head-admin, she's a coder, and an admin, but as far as I'm aware tony pretty much out-ranks her in the admin side, and most of the other admins dis-agree with her crusade, it's why it hasn't been changed yet.

You know, you would be more credible in calling name change suggestion a "crusade" if you haven't been on crusade against intersex tags. To the point that you claimed that penis fucking a vagina can be gay.

Rocket_Corgi said:
I don't like being called a carrot top because I have red hair

Guess what? We don't have carrot_top term for red hair. We have red_hair tag.

If it's going to be changed for something like androfem, then I'm for a change.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said
Guess what? We don't have carrot_top term for red hair. We have red_hair tag.

If it's going to be changed for something like androfem, then I'm for a change.

I was talking about an IRL thing, which is also Aurali's argument, that it's offensive to people IRL.

And androfem isn't a good term either, androgynous implies that a sex cannot be determined due to a lack of noticeable outward physical sexual traits; we do not have that problem with dickgirls. It's still not as fitting or descriptive as dickgirl, not by a long shot.

Updated by anonymous

Rocket_Corgi said:
I was talking about an IRL thing, which is also Aurali's argument, that it's offensive to people IRL.

And androfem isn't a good term either, androgynous implies that a sex cannot be determined due to a lack of noticeable outward physical sexual traits; we do not have that problem with dickgirls. It's still not as fitting or descriptive as dickgirl, not by a long shot.

In this case, andro means andromorphic and not androgynous. That could be a little confusing though.

Updated by anonymous

Rocket_Corgi said:
I was talking about an IRL thing, which is also Aurali's argument, that it's offensive to people IRL.

And androfem isn't a good term either, androgynous implies that a sex cannot be determined due to a lack of noticeable outward physical sexual traits; we do not have that problem with dickgirls. It's still not as fitting or descriptive as dickgirl, not by a long shot.

I see one wrong thing repeat over, and over. That dickgirl is fitting, and descriptive. No, it isn't. Currently not all girls with dicks get dickgirl tag. The only ones who get dickgirl tag are girls with dicks and without visible vagina. This is also confusing and I doubt that someone new would guess it without looking to wiki pages of those tags.

Dickgirl would be natural tag only when herm would imply dickgirl, and searching for non-herm dickgirl would be like dickgirl -herm. But it is not like this. This tag is just as much confusing as androfem. So I don't get arguments about how superior, and intuitive it is.

Updated by anonymous

Seven_Twenty said:
In this case, andro means andromorphic and not androgynous. That could be a little confusing though.

Considering andromorphic means 'in the shape of a man', yeah. The only thing in the shape of a man on a dickgirl is the ice, and since true dickgirls typically prefer to be referred to as 'she', you're still going to get people offended over being termed a 'female in the shape of a man'. It still doesn't work.

Updated by anonymous

Dickgirl means a girl...with a dick. It let's people who want that sort of thing (but don't necessarily care about there being a puss included in the package) find what they're looking for with one tag instead of herm -pussy. How is that NOT perfectly descriptive?

Updated by anonymous

Rocket_Corgi said:
Considering andromorphic means 'in the shape of a man', yeah. The only thing in the shape of a man on a dickgirl is the ice, and since true dickgirls typically prefer to be referred to as 'she', you're still going to get people offended over being termed a 'female in the shape of a man'. It still doesn't work.

Only if they try to translate it straight from latin does it mean that :/ a lot of things have the "andro" prefix. which is just "pertains to male properties"

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Only if they try to translate it straight from latin does it mean that :/ a lot of things have the "andro" prefix. which is just "pertains to male properties"

And you know damn well that's what's going to eventually happen, and we'll be right back where we started.

Updated by anonymous

Rocket_Corgi said:
Dickgirl means a girl...with a dick. It let's people who want that sort of thing (but don't necessarily care about there being a puss included in the package) find what they're looking for with one tag instead of herm -pussy. How is that NOT perfectly descriptive?

You know what regular girl has? A pussy. When someone search for dickgirl without checking in wiki the meaning of the word, would xe expect to get anthro character with breasts, pussy, and dick? Probably yes.

Updated by anonymous

I recommend the tag:

No way anyone would find that offensive.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
I recommend the tag:

No way anyone would find that offensive.

I find the word "penis" highly offensive.
Please use any of these synonyms when I'm within earshot.

("heat-seeking moisture missile" is my preferred term)

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
I recommend the tag:

No way anyone would find that offensive.

I suggested once something like this, but got question: "What about ferals?" :P

I like androfem, because it doesn't really suggest anything, and forces people to actually look into wiki how to use it. It is better when tag don't suggest anything than when it suggests wrong usage.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
I find the word "penis" highly offensive.
Please use any of these synonyms when I'm within earshot.

("heat-seeking moisture missile" is my preferred term)

No sir, medically accurate term, you can even say it on the radio.
Penis stays.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
I suggested once something like this, but got question: "What about ferals?" :P

I like androfem, because it doesn't really suggest anything, and forces people to actually look into wiki how to use it. It is better when tag don't suggest anything than when it suggests wrong usage.

Fair enough, then I would like to modify my suggestion to:


Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
Fair enough, then I would like to modify my suggestion to:


Still wrong: bulge dickgirl -penis
Also you need braces because now it can be interpeter like this: Character with ((breasts and penis) or (feral character))

Updated by anonymous

Or we could just go with not caring if we might possibly offend a handful of people who may or may not actually visit the website.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
Or we could just go with not caring if we might possibly offend a handful of people who may or may not actually visit the website.

But we already do enough not caring what other people think! And that's what gets users in trouble.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
But we already do enough not caring what other people think! And that's what gets users in trouble.

Wouldn't get any users in trouble if it's site policy.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
Wouldn't get any users in trouble if it's site policy.

Site policy normally is to care though, it's the reason you can't be a douche to other users.

Updated by anonymous

Site policy isn't to care :P
If it was then we'd be crating exceptions for TWYS left and right because people are offended that their herm character is tagged wrong, or their gay character can't be tagged as gay, etc. etc.

You can't be a douche to other users because it creates drama, and hurts the site.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
Site policy isn't to care :P
If it was then we'd be crating exceptions for TWYS left and right because people are offended that their herm character is tagged wrong, or their gay character can't be tagged as gay, etc. etc.

Caring response to TWYS: Hey, we do it this way because of certain things, and it's imparitive that we keep the search clean from bias.

Non caring response to TWYS: Hey your tagging wrong this is the correct tag, don't change it back.

You can't be a douche to other users because it creates drama, and hurts the site.

which is caring

Updated by anonymous

Someone hid my post in this thread. What a jerk.

Updated by anonymous

Renard_Queenston said:
Did everyone forget that we tag sex and not gender?


Updated by anonymous

Renard_Queenston said:
Did everyone forget that we tag sex and not gender?

technically dick girl is not a sex. Would be classified as male.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
technically dick girl is not a sex. Would be classified as male.

It's more about that sex is just biological thing, and is taken into account first. We don't care about gender identity, etc. when sex is visible. Only when sex is unknown gender can be taken into account.

Updated by anonymous

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