Topic: Avian Megathread: Tags, Wiki, Projects

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

It is happening

forum link: forum #204948 - Avian Megathread (Aug. 2016)


Everything bird-related:

  • tagging
  • wiki
  • projects
  • etc.

Topics covered so far

# Topic Link
1 General Tag queries -
2 General Wiki queries -
2a Should these be added to tag group:species? forum #204954


Note: If you want to:
Discuss feral-specific topics like anatomy etc,

forum #204964 - Feral-specific tag/wiki discussion:[..] (Aug. 2016)

Discuss feral-specific anatomy in relation to sex-gender,
  • -> forum #190431 - Tagging Policy Discussion: Feral anatomy and tagging genders: (Apr. 2016)
Discuss general Tag/Wiki topics,
  • -> forum #191799 - [Advanced] Tag/Wiki Discussion: Specific articles/tags: Edits/usage, questions, concerns, etc. (Apr. 2016)
Discuss Wiki standards/policies,

bird forum bird discussion bird thread


Other Discussions [incomplete]

forum #208162 - cloaca (Sep. 2016)

forum #204964 - Feral-specific tag/wiki discussion:[..] (Aug. 2016)

forum #204937 - Tag Implication: peacock_feather → tail_feathers (Aug. 2016)

forum #198896 - Tag Suggestion: Furless/Hairless/Featherless Genitalia Tag (Jun. 2016)

forum #191799 - [Advanced] Tag/Wiki Discussion: Specific articles/tags: Edits/usage, questions, concerns, etc. (Apr. 2016)

forum #190431 - Tagging Policy Discussion: Feral anatomy and tagging genders: (Apr. 2016)

forum #169276 - Cloaca vs. Genital slit vs. "It's a girl now" PSA (Aug. 2015)

Updated by anonymous

titanmelon said:
2a What to do with all these tags ?

< SNIP >
Should I add them to tag group:species?

tag group:species is intended as a quick guide, not an exhaustive listing. SOme of those obviously need implications to bird. With the possible exception of Kingfisher (which probably has an undertagging issue), I wouldn't list anything under about 30 to 50 posts.

So I'd add Blue jay, Cardinal, Magpie and Eurasian Magpie (those two are missing from your list), but I'd cut African Fish Eagle, Indochinese_green_magpie, and all the "tit" subentries (Tit is already there, it's just under the aliased no-pparentheses version).

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Circeus said:
tag group:species is intended as a quick guide, not an exhaustive listing. SOme of those obviously need implications to bird. With the possible exception of Kingfisher (which probably has an undertagging issue), I wouldn't list anything under about 30 to 50 posts.

Yes, that sounds like a good rule of thumb. Rarer species can be listed on the subpages instead, if necessary.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea

I could see the species wiki getting rather unwieldy at this current rate


[moved suggestion to #205190 in forum #159148 Wiki Standards: Policy, Editing and Content (May 2015)

Updated by anonymous

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