Topic: Tag Implication: nipple_slip -> wardrobe_malfunction

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Furrin_Gok said:
Read the other wiki entry: "usually accidental." That means even an intentional slip is still a "malfunction."

I don't know... I interpret a wardrobe malfunction as when someone's clothing breaking, comes off and/or leaves them exposed at a time when they don't want it to. If they deliberately do it to themselves, the "when they don't want it to" part is not being met. The "usually accidental" part of the wiki definition is probably referring to instances where someone else causes a wardrobe malfunction to happen.

So basically, popping your own nipple out on purpose is not a wardrobe malfunction.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
I don't know... I interpret a wardrobe malfunction as when someone's clothing breaking, comes off and/or leaves them exposed at a time when they don't want it to. If they deliberately do it to themselves, the "when they don't want it to" part is not being met. The "usually accidental" part of the wiki definition is probably referring to instances where someone else causes a wardrobe malfunction to happen.

So basically, popping your own nipple out on purpose is not a wardrobe malfunction.

You can create a wardrobe malfunction that convinces people that it was on accident. To the person that doesn't know, it just looks like it was an accident.

Updated by anonymous

The tag implication nipple_slip -> wardrobe_malfunction (forum #218170) has been rejected by @furrypickle.

So basically, nipple slips can be accidental (caused by circumstance or another person), and those kinds would qualify as examples of wardrobe_malfunction. The term comes from real life, and those are usually unintentional because it's not socially acceptable to do it on purpose. So in real life, the link between the two is much stronger.

However, how we use 'nipple_slip' here for tagging includes nipple flashing... so therefore both deliberate and accidental nipple slips are included in the tag usage. And not all of those are going to be wardrobe malfunctions. So this implication mostly works in theory, but it doesn't work in practice with how we use these two tags.

And on a functional level, I'm not sure that's even a problem. Nipples being slipped from underneath clothes regardless of intention, etc seems to be working and make sense for nipple_slip. Trying to somehow split the tag to separate the 'deliberately flashing nipples' usage seems unnecessary. I mean, it's possible to do. But I'm not sure I see much benefit from bothering. If we ever see a clear benefit to doing so AND it somehow stays distinct with usage (which I doubt it would with this one), then this implication might work with a future version of things. I don't see that strategy as being very likely though. I think that accidental nipple slips vs deliberate flashing nipple slips would just blur back together with usage. /two cents

Updated by furrypickle

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