Topic: Tag Implication: dark_nek0gami -> gamicross

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating dark_nek0gami → gamicross
Link to implication


I have this as an implication because the site won't let me alias dark_nek0gami as it is "already aliased" although I don't think it actually is. So this is actually an alias suggestion.

While dark_nek0gami has more tags it seems that he uses the name GamiCross more often. and

Only one that isn't is his FA which is:

Nothing of his uses dark_nek0gami so I feel that switching it to GamiCross is for the best.

If not we could at least alias GamiCross to dark_nek0gami as it is currently not.

EDIT: The tag implication dark_nek0gami -> gamicross (forum #213156) has been rejected by @Millcore.

Updated by auto moderator

-1, possibly to both. gami_cross is a character name, so using the artist name gamicross will be confusing between the two. On the other hand, reversing the alias might make invalid dark_nek0gami tags because the character name gami_cross was not spelled with a _ . And, using suffixes here is unnecessary, because we already have a unique artist tag.

Updated by anonymous

dark_nek0gami said:
The following tags are aliased to this tag: nek0gami, darknek0gami, darknekogami

If other tags are already aliased to that tag, you cannot suggest an alias from it.

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
-1, possibly to both. gami_cross is a character name, so using the artist name gamicross will be confusing between the two. On the other hand, reversing the alias might make invalid dark_nek0gami tags because the character name gami_cross was not spelled with a _ . And, using suffixes here is unnecessary, because we already have a unique artist tag.

I can see how that might be confusing. Maybe just change it to nek0gami then?

Updated by anonymous

Bobcat said:
I can see how that might be confusing. Maybe just change it to nek0gami then?

It'd be easier to type, but it's not a simple decision at that point. There might be a good reason, one not stated in the forums mind you, for the aliasings; on the other hand it is normally accepted to have shorter tags.

Updated by anonymous