Topic: Tag Alias: fkfkfk3674 -> mayar

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing fkfkfk3674 → mayar
Link to alias


Same artist: artist's username at FA is mayar, and artist's twitter username is fkfkfk3674.

85 uploads to e621 tagged with mayar.
5 uploads to e621 tagged with fkfkfk3674.

Of those five uploads:
1) found post #883124 at Mayar's FA and Twitter.
2) found post #815592 at Mayar's Twitter.
3) found post #762114 at Mayar's FA and Twitter.
4) found post #674029 at Mayar's Twitter.
5) post #761003 is a parent of 762114 (above).

And all five of those uploads to e621, also tagged with e621 tag "Mayar".

Some were added with Twitter as only source, so I think it's plausible that some future uploads will also get tagged with fkfkfk3674.

Updated by O16

If that is the case, make sense. Without The right aliasing, search for artists knowed by multiple names can be kinda problematic.

Updated by anonymous