Topic: Colour/color tags for inanimate objects

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Since the 'plain' colour tags like green, red, blue etc are aliased to invalid color (and eventually all plain colour tags), that leaves no tag to use for tagging inanimate objects

Most recent example:

post #314477

Any suggestions/thoughts?


How about something like *_object* e.g. red_object

The name is in the tag, so wildcards work, and the 'object' suffix says what it's used for

There might be some ambiguity in future though

Updated by Xch3l

Renard_Queenston said:
I'm for this change. Anyone with me?


Updated by anonymous

Seems like tagging overkill to me. Why try remember the color of a wrench when a tag search just for wrench does the job?

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, I don't think we need specific colors for objects.

Updated by anonymous

Blue_pill and red_pill could be kind of important. You know because if you take the blue pill, the story ends, and you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. But if you take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. So I do kind of think, in some cases this is necessary.

Updated by anonymous

(Jayfeather) said:
Blue_pill and red_pill could be kind of important. You know because if you take the blue pill, the story ends, and you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. But if you take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. So I do kind of think, in some cases this is necessary.

What sense didn't have That any?

slyroon said:
Wouldn't this create a lot of unnecessary tags, for the same thing. Take the word wrench or key as an example, would you seriously need to search Purple_wrench or white_key?

What if it's rainbow colored? Do we tag it as redorangeyellowgreenvioletindigoblue_wrench? I think most of my nope goes here

Updated by anonymous