Topic: Tag Implication: huge_dildo -> dildo

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Should we really have this tag? Characters come in different sizes, so how do we know just by looking at the image that the character isn't small, with a regular sized dildo?

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Should we really have this tag? Characters come in different sizes, so how do we know just by looking at the image that the character isn't small, with a regular sized dildo?

I guess that’s more about perspective.
I still believe that some people might find it useful.

Updated by anonymous

Silverflame said:
I guess that’s more about perspective.
I still believe that some people might find it useful.

Yeah, I'm actually +1 for keeping it, but I do want to know where others stand on it.

Updated by anonymous

Wasn’t there another tag called hyper_dildo with dildo’s as big as the furry using it? I still can remember a fox putting one of those in her vagina but I can’t find the image anymore.

Apparently that tag still exist.

(I know this is a difficult tag considering almost all dildo’s in furry porn are huge.)

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Yeah, I'm actually +1 for keeping it, but I do want to know where others stand on it.

You're supposed to sit on it, not stand on it.

More seriously, does the absolute size matter? Consider how *_breasts is measured -- relative to head size, discernability, or ability to carry.
I think it would be reasonable to define huge_dildo in relation to the hip width of the character using it.

Hyper_dildo seems more dubious.

Updated by anonymous

AnotherDay said:
No more dubious than anything else hyper on this website.

No, look.. Hyper is typically applied to actual body parts with physically impossible proportions. There is nothing impossible about having a building-sized dildo.

Updated by anonymous