Topic: Tagging question revisited: character count?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

For reference/older discussion: forum #124387

So I'm bringing up multi_head characters again because they tend to get tagged differently when it comes to character count, solo vs duo vs group. The purpose of this thread is:

  • Get an update in case anything has changed.
  • Get a straight forward and clear definition.
  • Get an admin to (eventually) say: "These are the rules, and these are the exceptions" in order to have somewhere official to point when users question these things (things can get quite confusing as you will see below).

I personally never really thought much about this, I always read "one character" as "one entity", meaning that it doesn't matter how many arms, eyes, brains, mouths, bodies etc you have as long as they appear as one entity. But maybe I have been wrong. I also always tagged these characters pleasuring themselves as masturbation for the same reason.

There was also talk about implementing some new tag which would deal with multiple personalities and the like, where solo might not always be seen as the complete picture, e.g. shared_body.

On to the examples

So we got, the standard multi-headed characters:
post #931217 post #906774 post #925295

The "traditional" hydra (often only difference really is long necks):
post #730928 post #814599 post #873195

We also got things like hydreigon (handmouth):
post #809913 post #705714 post #871288

tail_mouth/tail_maw/tailhead (sometimes no different than faceless and no_eyes):
post #898492 post #851786 post #849404

post #342994 post #922312 post #809946

And pushmi-pullyu:
post #414397 post #140332 post #456601

Multi-body like magneton:
post #16895 post #560539 post #80145

Or some siamese_twins/conjoined:
post #48013 post #181752 post #13978

Other less common configurations:
post #169898 post #43688 post #877474

Having "sex" with "oneself", masturbation or not:
post #928903 post #906809 post #711732 post #675278 etc.

Is this gangbang? (and implied group?):
post #531572 post #713944 post #911017

And I probably missed some cases, maybe there are some fusion/merge posts which have less than common configurations as well.

Updated by titanmelon

My view is that a character should never be tagged as solo if it has more than one head, ie more than one brain/mind per body; No matter how many limbs it has.

Masturbation still follows the usual rules, but seeing as there is no fitting tag describing the masturbation of a individual sharing their body with another, I think it's best we stick to using masturbation, no matter how many heads the individual has.

Shared_body might be a good general tag for that.

As for the examples:
First category that sticks out is the handmouth category. Would it be useful if we had a general tags that could be used to describe characters who has a limb with a mouth? Collecting all handmouthed, legmouthed, tailmouthed, breastmouthed, bellymouthed etc. characters under one tag. The tailhead category seems easily distinguishable from said category, the former one only being applicable when there is nothing more than a mouth on the limb.

Having never heard of it before, Pushmi-pullyu seems a bit redundant. The majority of the images tagged are catdog. Is Pushmi-pullyu the canon name for their species? If not, couldn't they just be tagged as cat + dog + hybrid + shared_body?

The multiple body category seems like it'd be really hard to tag, since body configuration varies widely.

As for the last two, the dilemma comes up again whether having more than one head makes you more than one individual. In my opinion, if it's more than one head, then it should be tagged as group if that "creature" is having sex with someone.

Updated by anonymous

So I'm bringing up multi_head characters again because they tend to get tagged differently when it comes to character count, solo vs duo vs group.[..]

Another example of chimera confusion are posts like:

post #939667 post #534655

Especially regarding the last 2 questions in the OP:

  • selfcest/incest/masturbation?
  • gangbang/group_sex?
  • + snake_tail/tailhead etc.



sounds promising, i'm not sure if that would conflict with that one type of fetish though, where multiple people inhabit a single body (not necessary with multiple heads or limbs or species)


Also, what's the difference between tail_mouth and tail_maw?

Updated by anonymous

titanmelon said:

  • selfcest/incest/masturbation?

Also, what's the difference between tail_mouth and tail_maw?

Selfcest is fucking a clone of yourself, and I'm very unsure whether incest would be a fitting description.

The size I guess? Whether the mouth spreads across the tail from side to side? If a distinct difference can't be pointed out they should be aliased. Preferably to tail_maw imo, think it sounds better.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Anything with a single body should be under solo. Trying to count the number of personalities doesn't mesh well with twys.

And tagging them in any other way would be too much of a headache, especially when you consider that there are monster characters with wide variety of limb and head-configurations, creatures with fake heads (mawile), etc.

It's also more convenient for searching. Tagging them as solo makes it possible to actually differentiate images that have one multi-headed character (solo + multi_head) from images that have a multi-headed character plus other characters (duo or group + multi_head). Whereas if multi-heads were tagged as group, there'd be no way to tell if there are other characters.

Updated by anonymous

@Genjar Fair enough. What's your view on how masturbation and group should be tagged when multi-headed peeps are involved?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Peekaboo said:
@Genjar Fair enough. What's your view on how masturbation and group should be tagged when multi-headed peeps are involved?

Not as group_sex, since that'd implicate them as group and lead to the same problem, and definitely not as gangbang. Since gangbang is defined as a large group having sex with a single character, but not with each other. Which wouldn't work at all for multi-heads.

Masturbation seems like the best fit. Since they are stimulating their own genitalia.

Updated by anonymous

Speaking of brains and shared bodies and stuff: You all got a very basic, but independent "brain" in your intestines :)

I think @Genjar makes some really strong points about this. Mixing in minds and unusual body configurations makes life hard. E.g. how do you tell that a two headed character has two minds? And when does a "head" become headlike enough to be considered to be its own character?

There are so many problems that can arise from defining one entity as multiple characters. At first I was a bit hesitant about tagging it solo but I'm starting to think I might have chosen the best strategy after all. I also think the searching argument of tagging them as solo is a very strong one.

Peekaboo said:
As for the examples:
First category that sticks out is the handmouth category. Would it be useful if we had a general tags that could be used to describe characters who has a limb with a mouth? Collecting all handmouthed, legmouthed, tailmouthed, breastmouthed, bellymouthed etc. characters under one tag. The tailhead category seems easily distinguishable from said category, the former one only being applicable when there is nothing more than a mouth on the limb.

I could get along with that, though not sure how useful it would be in real scenarios, other than a generic umbrella term.

Peekaboo said:
Having never heard of it before, Pushmi-pullyu seems a bit redundant. The majority of the images tagged are catdog. Is Pushmi-pullyu the canon name for their species? If not, couldn't they just be tagged as cat + dog + hybrid + shared_body?

I don't disagree about using those tags, but I don't think that tag is hurting anyone either. The term itself is derived from Doctor Dolittle. Also I'm certain I've seen more than those that are in there, but they are probably just not bear that tag.

Peekaboo said:
The multiple body category seems like it'd be really hard to tag, since body configuration varies widely.

Definitely, all I could imagine was some kind of catch all term like multi_body for that, or maybe one could just use something like unusual_body.

titanmelon said:
Another example of chimera confusion are posts like:

post #939667 post #534655

Especially regarding the last 2 questions in the OP:

  • selfcest/incest/masturbation?
  • gangbang/group_sex?
  • + snake_tail/tailhead etc.

Traditional chimeras are for me simple (but as said I already got a clear thought pattern about how to tag these): solo, multi_head/2_heads, snake_tail, masturbation, autofellatio, kissing. The problem with the second pic is that you can take it very literal as multiple_images hence you could get a lot more or different tags than that. However these pics would be fairly good candidates for a shared_body kind of tag.

I wouldn't tag it incest for the same reason I wouldn't tag it group etc.
It's definitely not selfcest that would require two multi_head characters getting it on.

titanmelon said:
shared_body sounds promising, i'm not sure if that would conflict with that one type of fetish though, where multiple people inhabit a single body (not necessary with multiple heads or limbs or species)

Hm... Interesting point, though I'm not sure what else to call it. Also is that really a thing? I.e. do we have anything depicting such things?

titanmelon said:
Also, what's the difference between tail_mouth and tail_maw?

Mouth is more a standard mouth think human, canine, etc., doesn't matter really. Maw is more of specialized term, often for larger/wider mouths or when there is only a mouth, or when the mouth doesn't look like a standard "one slit"-mouth, see e.g. tentacle_maw.

Peekaboo said:
If a distinct difference can't be pointed out they should be aliased. Preferably to tail_maw imo, think it sounds better.

Aliasing them has been denied at least twice: forum #151932, forum #160088). However the distinction might not be visible in the posts themselves, unfortunately.

Updated by anonymous

In that case,

What about shared_body_masturbation for 'solo' scenes,

and/or shared_body_sex where the shared body character is having sex with another character?

  • easily searchable via a single tag
  • Can still be tagged wtith solo
    • duo/group works correctly
  • separate from incest/selfcest
  • separate from group sex
  • can possibly be implicated to masturbation/sex, depending on what the consensus is

Can't think of any actual examples of the 'multiple separate characters in a single body' fetish, but, I suppose we could deal with it accordingly if it ever comes up

Updated by anonymous

@Tit Both of those sound pretty good to me. They would both make it easier to tag shared body character interactions, so I'm all for them.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
@Tit Both of those sound pretty good to me. They would both make it easier to tag shared body character interactions, so I'm all for them.


There's also stuff like post #885342

where a pseudo-sentient, prehensile appendage/extremity is involved

Dunno if autofellatio / masturbation would be enough to cover that (not to mention the former is limited to penisesphalli), since it overlaps with the standard stuff (see wiki for examples)

It's similar for tail_masturbation, which can't be applied to other body parts
(though tails seem to be the most common)[citation needed]
shared_body_sex might work, depending on definition of 'shared body'
...and sex]

Updated by anonymous

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